Norsk Fiskeværsmuseum - Norwegian Fishing Village Museum Å |
8392 Å i Lofoten, Norway |
Address |
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
30.05.-28.08. daily 09-19 rest of the year: Monday - Friday 10-16.30 (Bank holidays closed) 30.05.–28.08. Hver dag kl. 09-19
Resten av året: Mandag – fredag kl. 10–16.30 (helligdager stengt) |
Status from 03/2016
Adults 80 NOK; Seniors 60 NOK; Students, Children 12-15 40 NOK Voksne kr 80; Honnør kr 60; Studenter, Barn 12–15 år kr 40 |
Contact |
Homepage | |
Location / Directions |
Description | The Norwegian Fishing Village Museum, Å i Lofoten, was established in 1989. It is an integral part of a complete and vibrant North Norwegian fishing village. The museum's exhibitions, demonstrations and activities are located in the 100-200 year old architectural environment in and in the surrounding harbour and waters. |
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