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Jan Corver - Museum voor Radiozendamateurisme


6021 CR Budel, Netherlands (Nordbrabant)

Address Broekkant 1
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Amateur Radio / Military & Industry Radio
  • Typewriter, calculating and coding
  • Tubes/Valves / Semiconductors
  • Wire- & tape recording
  • Telephone / Telex

Opening times
The museum closed, the 83 year owner had to stop.

Status from 03/2022

Contact Unknown contact data for this museum - please help via contact form.


Our page for Jan Corver - Museum voor Radiozendamateurisme in Budel, Netherlands, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N51.277962° E5.582219°N51°16.67772' E5°34.93314'N51°16'40.6632" E5°34'55.9884"

Budel is located in the south of The Netherlands in the county of Noord Brabant, close to the motorway A2 between Eindhoven and Maastricht.

Coming from the north, follow the directions towards Eindhoven. At Eindhoven, follow directions for Maastricht. After about 20 km you'll find exit 37: Budel Cranendonk. This this exit and follow directions for the town centre of Budel.

Coming from the south (e.g. from Maastricht) on the A2, follow directions for Eindhoven and take exit 37 Budel Cranendonk. Then follow directions for the town centre of Budel.

From exit 37 (Budel Cranendonk)

Coming from the A2 exit 37 Budel Cranendonck, follow directions for Budel.

After a few kilometers, turn right at the first junction. Follow this road until you arrive at the roundabout in the town centre of Budel. Turn right at this roundabout and immediately turn right again. The museum is now at your left hand side

By public transport

Museum Jan Corver can also be reached by public transport. Veola bus line 173 goes straight through Budel. When in Budel, exit at bus stop Deken van Baarsstraat, walk towards Café De Bonte Os and turn right. You are now in the Anton Mathijssenstraat. Follow this road until the roundabout and turn left. After approx. 50 meters turn right. This street is called Broekkant and the museum is located immediately on the left.

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

D: Gemeinschaftserzeugn Enigma (1938)
D: Gemeinschaftserzeugn Enigma K (1938)


Museum's web page 2013:
Museum Jan Corver

Despite the fact that radio amateurism is over 100 years old, this hobby is still very much alive. About 15,000 people in The Netherlands have a radio ham licence. Both technology and legal aspects of the hobby have changed and evolved significantly over the years. The many aspects of this fascinating hobby are highlighted in this museum, which now even has a DIY corner for the youngest soon-to-be amateurs.

The museum was named after one of the earliest radio pioneers: Jan Corver. The building is which the museum is located is itself worth seeing: it was used for many years at the artificial island Neeltje Jans during the realisation of the ambitious Delta Works in The Netherlands.

Converting surplus radio equipment

Over the past few years, a huge amount of surplus radio equipment has been donated to the Museum by KPN Telecom (the major Dutch Telco operator). The equipment may be sold to radio amateurs, in order to gain income for the Museum. Transceivers and other transmitting devices may only be sold to licenced radio amateurs. Most of the equipment is in good physical condition and has been operational until phased out. The Museum beleives that this system of selling surplus equipment serves many purposes: it grants the radios a 2nd life, it generates income for the museum, it stimulates the radio hobby and, what's more: it stimulates the DIY part of our hobby.

For most of the rigs described below, museum volunteers have created full conversion instructions in the form of web pages, written documents, manuals, PDFs, etc. In some cases we are even able to supply a full DIY conversion kit, complete with all components needed to carry out the conversion.

DIY kits

The museum has a couple of DIY kits on offer. We sincerely hope that offering these DIY kits will stimulate the radio amateur hobby, whilst at the same time provide a modest income for the museum. Below an overview of the DIY kits currently available from the museum. If you can't find what you are looking for, please try again at a later date as we will be adding new DIY kits to the list frequently.

Mail from Museum in October 2020:
The museum will close.

We look for musea or people who are interested in the objects.


Het museum is vernoemd naar Jan Corver, de grondlegger van het zendvergunningstelsel.

2020 - Belangrijke mededeling

In de afgelopen 25 jaar hebben we met veel plezier gewerkt aan het opzetten en in stand houden van een prachtige collectie apparatuur en andere objecten, die laat zien hoe het zendamateurisme in Nederland zich in de loop der jaren heeft ontwikkeld. In verband met de respectabele leeftijd van de oprichter, Cor Moerman, is de afgelopen jaren geprobeerd om een opvolger voor het museum te vinden. Helaas is dat tot dusver niet gelukt. Omdat de kosten voor onze opslagruimte ondertussen gewoon door lopen, heeft het bestuur van het museum de volgende beslissingen genomen:

1. De kerncollectie – eigenlijk alles wat te maken heeft met de geschiedenis van het zend­amateur­isme – zal worden opgesteld in de museumruimte aan de Broekkant in Budel. Voor deze collectie wordt nog steeds een opvolger gezocht.

2. Objecten die niet behoren tot de kerncollectie, maar die wel worden gezien als historisch erf­goed, zijn overgedragen aan andere musea, zoals het Watersnoodmuseum in Ouwerkerk, en het Crypto Museum in Eindhoven.

3. De objecten die niet behoren tot de twee voorgaande categorieën, zullen worden overgedragen aan de Stichting Onterfd Goed in Eindhoven, die er voor zal zorgen dat deze objecten een nieuwe eigenaar krijgen. Binnenkort zal de Stichting Onterfd Goed deze objecten te koop aanbieden.

4. Restmateriaal en de vele jaargangen van het tijdschrift Electron, zullen worden afgevoerd.

5. Met ingang van 1 december 2020 kunt u geen materiaal meer aanbieden aan het museum, en is het niet langer mogelijk om onze opslagruimte aan de Burgemeester van Houtstraat te bezoeken. Ook onze webshop is vanaf deze datum gesloten. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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