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Muzeum Historii Radia i Sztuki Mediów Radiostacja Gliwice (Radiosender Gleiwitz)

44-100 Gliwice, Poland (śląskie)

Address Tarnogórska 129
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ
Transmitting and Studio technique

Opening times
Tuesday - Friday: 10.00-16.0; May - September: Saturday & Sunday: 11.00-16.00
wtorek - piątek: 9.00–16.00; maj – wrzesień: sobota i niedziela: 11.00–16.00

Status from 08/2016
We don't know the fees.



Our page for Muzeum Historii Radia i Sztuki Mediów Radiostacja Gliwice (Radiosender Gleiwitz) in Gliwice, Poland, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N50.312681° E18.690423°N50°18.76086' E18°41.42538'N50°18'45.6516" E18°41'25.5228"



One of the most characteristic structures in the Upper Silesia is an aerial tower, located at the Tarnogórska Street in Gliwice. The building complex of the radio station was built in 1935 by a German company Lorenz (co-operation: Siemens, Telefunken, and others). In the main building there are many pieces of original equipment preserved, rea­ching back to the pre-war period. The most precious object of the whole complex is, obviou­sly, the broadcasting tower, allegedly the tallest wooden structure in the world (111 m). Care­fully conserved, protected and repaired every year, it still has – according to the scientists from the Silesian University of Technology – many years of safe functioning ahead. The tower is built of larch wood, particularly resistant to pest and atmospheric factors. The beams are combined with brass screws. There is not a single iron nail there.

Upon the tower about 50 aerials of various types have been installed, operating for mo­bi­le telephones networks, radio-taxi, the CCM radio station, etc. Thanks to rents paid by the users, the tower “makes its own living”. Our tower looks specially attractive in the dark. Illuminated with massive spotlights, it is well visible from a distance of many kilome­ters, and it makes everlasting impression upon its visitors.


31st of August, 1939 at 8.00 p.m., the German radio station in Gliwice was broken into by a few SS troops members in civilian clothes, claiming to be Silesian rebels. Their leader was SS-Strurmbannführer Alfred Naujocks, appointed by SS-Gruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, the chief of the General Reich Security Office, acting on the direct order of Hitler. The operation was top secret. Only the text of the password which Heydrich was to pass to Naujocks on the phone was determined: ”Grossmutter gestorben”. The password constituted an order to commence the operation. The aggressors terrorised the German crew and broadcast a Polish announcement: “Attention! This is Gliwice. The broad­casting station is in the Polish hands...”. The remaining part of the proclamation read out loud in that moment was not emitted due to technical errors.

In the radio station Franciszek Honiok, a Polish Silesian, was murdered – at present he is believed to be the first victim of the World War II. On the previous day he was arrested by Gestapo in his home village £ubie near Pyskowice. Honiok, intoxicated with drugs, was brought to the radio station as “a tin” at 8.05 p.m. He was supposed to be the proof of “the Polish guilt”. On the next day Hitler gave a speech where he justified the outbreak of war with border provocations performed allegedly by Poles. Hitler did not mention Gliwice, but all newspapers, radios and telegraphic agencies all over the world did. The truth about the Gliwice provocation was discovered as late as during the Nuremberg case.


In 2002 the local government of Gliwice purchased the premises from TPSA (Polish Tele­com­munications), which had been the owner of the radio station since 1945. At first it was used to broadcast the programme of the Katowice Radio and to jam Free Europe (up to 1956). Later it was a place where radio transmitters and tele­com­mu­nication equipment were produced. The structure stayed in professional and responsible hands, therefore it is preserved in such a good condition.

The goal of taking the radio station over was not only rendering this attractive historic monument accessible to visitors. In the neighbourhood a European Cooperation Centre will be constructed. The main concept of the Centre is briefly inscribed upon the commemo­rating plate, unveiled under the radio station tower: Remembering the past, thinking of the future.

Wieża jest dziś unikatem inżynie­ryjnym w skali światowej. Budulec naszej wieży to drewno mo­drze­wio­we. Belki zostały połą­czone śrubami mo­siężnymi. Jest tych śrub 16.100 i ani jednego gwoździa z żelaza!

Wysokość konstrukcji drewnianej – 111 m, pod­stawa – 20x20 m, naj­wyższa plat­for­ma: kwadrat o boku 2,53 m. Drabina wiodąca na szczyt ma 365 szczebli.

Zbudowana w roku 1935 wieża znaj­dowała się stale pod fa­chową opie­ką, dzięki czemu jej stan tech­niczny jest bar­dzo dobry. Po wojnie dźwigała pionową półfalową an­te­nę Radia Ka­towice oraz (w latach 1950-1956) pracowała jako za­głu­szar­ka Wolnej Euro­py. Później w głów­­­­nym budynku pro­duko­­wano nadaj­ni­ki radio­we średniej mo­cy na fale średnie. Wieżę wykorzy­sty­wa­no do tech­nicz­nych prób na­daw­czych, a od kilku­nastu lat – głównie do łącz­ności radio­tele­fo­nicznej (Cen­trum Ratow­nic­twa Gli­wice, tele­fo­ny ko­mórkowe, internet bez­przewodo­wy i in.). Na różnych wyso­kościach zamontowano ponad 70 różnych an­ten. Wie­ża sa­ma za­rabia na swoje utrzymanie i kon­serwację.

Forum contributions about this museum
Muzeum Historii Radia i Sztuki Mediów Radiostacja Gliwice (Radiosender Gleiwitz)
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Museum Sender Gleiwitz - Gliwice
Wolfgang Scheida

Ein interessierter Gastbesucher hat mir eine Infobroschüre zum Sendermuseum Gleiwitz zukommen lassen. Offensichtlich dürfte die Stadt Gliwice im Sinne der Tourismusförderung der Herausgeber sein.

Daraus geht hervor, dass der hölzerne(!) Sendemast im Original erhalten ist sowie auch weitere Vorkriegstechnik zur Besichtigung bereit steht.

Ziel ist es eine Art Gedenkstätte aufzubauen.

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Muzeum Historii Radia i Sztuki Mediów Radiostacja Gliwice (Radiosender Gleiwitz)
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