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Beijing Automobile Museum

100070 Beijing, People's Republic of China

Address R8H2+MJ9, Qichebowuguan W Rd
Fengtai District 
Floor area 50 000 m² / 538 196 ft²  
Museum typ Exhibition
Passenger cars
  • Fire Brigade
  • Model Cars
  • Busses
  • Trucks / Lorries
  • Racing cars
  • Steam engine car

Opening times
Tuesday - Sunday, 9:00 - 17:00 (Last Admission at 16:00)

Status from 05/2012
We don't know the fees.

Tel.:+86-10-63 75-66 66   


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Location / Directions
N39.829294° E116.301570°N39°49.75763' E116°18.09420'N39°49'45.4577" E116°18'5.6520"


Beijing Automobile Museum opened its doors to the public on September 23, 2011.

This five-story museum boasts an impressive collection of antique cars, including a number of vintage Soviet and Chinese models.

Those collections, comprehensively reflecting the history of the auto society and the history of Chinese auto industry, cover a wide variety from home and abroad, including Red Flag series, Shanghai series, Beijing series, GIS & JIM series, Volga series and a large number of literatures and data, etc, with a certain kind of universality and seriation.

Hall Of Innovation

Nothing is comparable with the use of fire except wheels in the historyof civilization.Wheels were possibly invented alongside with vehicles at about4000 years BC. Relics of wheels have been continuously discovered from Mesopotamia, Germany, Poland and Syria. The earliest wheels composed of only two pieces of wood, which were replaced, around 2000 years BC by wheels with spokes. The carts with this new kind of wheels were drawn by horses, which accelerated the speed immensely. The development of vehicles stemmed from wheels, i.e. from horse-drawn carriages to automobiles, thus history and wheels roll forward together

Exhibition of Classical Collection of Chinese Automobile Industry

In the early days of the founding of People’s Republic of China, our country introduced a series of cars from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to meet the needs at that time, which had also an important impact on China’s early automobile industry, and from the Red Flag, Shanghai and other home-made cars at that time we can see their traces. With the disintegration of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the vast majority of models have no production any more. The exhibition section displays orderly GIS, Jim, Volga, Warsaw (Victory) M20 and other Eastern European series, the Red Flag series and Shanghai series made in the early days of our country. This ardent period of times that has been recorded in the history of the Republic of China filled the blank of China’s independent production of vehicles and opened the prelude of China’s automobile industry. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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