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Club 8 - Feldbahnanlage im Tal der Kamišina - Field railway in the Kamišina valley

Mokra Gora - Мокра Гора, Serbia

Address Bela Voda
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ
Mine- & Parc Railways

Opening times

Status from 02/2022
We don't know the fees.

Contact Unknown contact data for this museum - please help via contact form.


Our page for Club 8 - Feldbahnanlage im Tal der Kamišina - Field railway in the Kamišina valley in Mokra Gora - Мокра Гора, Serbia, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N43.794164° E19.525346°N43°47.64986' E19°31.52076'N43°47'38.9915" E19°31'31.2456"

Mokra Gora, meaning the Wet Mountain in English, is a village located in the city of Užice, southwestern Serbia. It is situated on the northern slopes of mountain Zlatibor. Emphasis on historical reconstruction has made it into a popular tourist center with unique attractions.

The Field railway system is in the valley of the Kamišina from Bela Voda to Jatarice. It is not far from “Museum-Tourism Complex Šargan Eight“
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