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Museum and Tourist Railways Shargan Eight - Šarganska osmica - Шарганска осмица

Mokra Gora - Мокра Гора, Serbia

Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
  • Railway Technique
  • Open Air Museum

Opening times
April - October: Mokra Gora (departure): 10:30; Sargan Vitasi (arrival - departure): 11:07 č – 11:29 Mokra Gora (return): 13:58

Status from 02/2022

Tel.:+381-31-81 11 71  eMail:muzej  


Our page for Museum and Tourist Railways Shargan Eight - Šarganska osmica - Шарганска осмица in Mokra Gora - Мокра Гора, Serbia, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N43.792370° E19.506400°N43°47.54220' E19°30.38400'N43°47'32.5320" E19°30'23.0400"

Mokra Gora, meaning the Wet Mountain in English, is a village located in the city of Užice, southwestern Serbia. It is situated on the northern slopes of mountain Zlatibor. Emphasis on historical reconstruction has made it into a popular tourist center with unique attractions.

“Museum-Tourism Complex Šargan Eight“ within the Serbian Railways, which administers the railway, is seated in Mokra Gora. In 2021, Mokra Gora was declared one of the best tourism villages in the world by the United Nations World Tourism Organization

The Šargan Eight (Serbian: Шарганска осмица / Šarganska osmica) is a narrow-gauge heritage railway in Serbia, running from the village of Mokra Gora to Šargan Vitasi station.


Museum and Tourist Railways “Shargan Eight”

Revitalization of the Shargan railway line Mokra Gora-Shargan Vitasi lasted from 1999 till 2003.

The first train with museum locomotive JZ 83-173 had it´s ran on September 1, 2003.

In the Museum and Tourist complex “Shargan Eight” one can find: passenger wagon of the B(C) 3622 series, freight opened wagon of the S(J) 49186 series- buffer wagon of the “Partizan armoured train from 1941”, freight opened wagon of the K 56043 series and freight opened wagon of the Kr 57121 series.

Locomotive and wagons that are part of the train composition “Romantika”, which operates on the museum and tourist railway line on “Shargan Eight”, were part of the museum exhibition of section in Pozega.


„Šarganska osmica“ – Od „Ćire“ do „Nostalgije“


Ova pruga bila je žila kucavica i veza Evrope sa Jadranskim morem. Od Beograda do Dubrovnika i Zelenike, uskokolosečnom prugom od 760 mm, od 1925. do 1974.godine kroz tunele, preko mostova i kroz planinske useke saobraćao je čuveni voz „Ćira“ ostavljajući za sobom prepoznatljivi miris dima parne lokomotive..


Deo ove pruge na relaciji od stanice Šargan Vitasi do Mokre Gore, koji predstavlja jedinstveno graditeljsko delo, otrgnut je od zaborava i čuvenom “Šarganskom osmicom“ ponovo odjekuje klaparanje vagona i pisak parnjače muzejskog voza „Nostalgija“.

Od Mokre Gore do stanice Šargan Vitasi “Nostalgija” prolazi kroz 22 tunela, preko pet mostova, savladava visinsku razliku od 300 metara i sve to na ukupnoj razdaljini od 15.440 metara.

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