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PTT Museum - PTT muzej |
11000 Belgrade, Serbia |
Indirizzo |
Majke Jevrosime 13
Spazio espositivo | - purtroppo ancora non noto |
Orario d'apertura
Weekdays: 10am - 3pm First Saturdays of the month: 11am - 7pm Radnim danima od 10 do 15 časova
Svake prve subote u mesecu od 11 do 19 časova |
Status dal 02/2017
We don't know the fees. Non conosciamo la tariffa. |
Contatti |
Pagina web |
www.pttmuzej.rs/default.asp www.pttmuzej.rs/default-eng.asp |
Come arrivare |
Museum is located in the centre of Belgrade (corner of Palmotićeva street and Majke Jevrosime street), in the building designed by the architect Momir Korunović. How to get here: City transport lines 2, 5, 10, 23, 24, 26, 27, 37, 40, 41, 44, 58, 79 Parking: Museum does not have its own parking space, and the closes underground parking is the one near the Belgrade Parliament |
Come arrivare (altra) |
Dolazak: Gradske linije 2, 5, 10, 23, 24, 26, 27, 37, 40, 41, 44, 58, 79 Parking: Muzej nema svoj parking prostor, najbliži je podzemni parking kod Skupštine grada Beograda |
Descrizione | Postal collectionFund of the postal collection of the PTT museum consists of cultural property in the area of postal traffic, which is the basis for studying the development of postal technology in various historical periods, on the territory of Serbia and former Yugoslavia. Technical collectionTechnical collection of the PTT museum is set chronologically and it represents summery of the development of telecommunications, from the first telephones to the first computers. The collection includes the devices for telegraph, telephone, radio-telegraphic, radio and telephone communications and from the area of computers . Technical collection includes models such as model of Chappe optical telegraph, model of Avala tower and FM station. Philatelic collectionPhilatelic collection of PTT museum contains both domestic and foreign postage stamps. |
Descrizione (altra) |
Poštanska zbirkaFond poštanske zbirke PTT muzeja čine kulturna dobra iz oblasti poštanskog saobraćaja, što je osnova za proučavanje razvoja poštanske tehnologije u raznim istorijskim periodima, na tlu Srbije i bivše Jugoslavije. Tehnička zbirkaTehnička zbirka PTT muzeja sažeto prikazuje razvoj telekomunikacija, od prvih telegrafa do prvih računara. Zbirka sadrži aparate iz telegrafskog, telefonskog, radio-telegrafskog, radio-telefonskog saobraćaja i iz oblasti računara. Tehnička zbirka sadrži i makete, kao što su maketa Šapovog optičkog telegrafa maketa Avalskog tornja i UKT stanice. Filatelistička zbirkaU Filatelističkoj zbirci PTT muzeja nalaze se kolekcije domaćih i stranih poštanskih maraka. |
Conformità dei dati | Ulteriori informazioni |