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Музей истории Сахалинской железной дороги - Museum of the History of the Sakhalin Railway

693019 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian Federation (Сахалин - Sachalin - Sakhalin)

Address Ulitsa Vokzal'naya, 55
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
  • Cranes and Lifts
  • Railway Technique
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Lamps and Light

Opening times
Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 17:30

Status from 02/2020
We don't know the fees.

Tel.:+7-42 42-71 41 97   


Our page for Музей истории Сахалинской железной дороги - Museum of the History of the Sakhalin Railway in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian Federation, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N46.960416° E142.725526°N46°57.62496' E142°43.53156'N46°57'37.4976" E142°43'31.8936"

Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is a city in Sakhalin island, and the administrative center of Sakhalin Oblast, Russia. It is located in the Far East part of Russia, situated north of Japan.

The city is located on the Susuya River. It is the largest city on the island, and the only one with more than 100,000 inhabitants. The straight-line distance to Moscow is 10,417 kilometers.

Museum of the History of the Sakhalin Railway is located next to the Railway Station at Vokzalnaya Street, 55.

Location / Directions
Ю́жно-Сахали́нск город на Дальнем Востоке России. Административный центр Сахалинской области, является центром муниципального образования город Южно-Сахалинск со статусом городского округа.

Расстояние от Южно-Сахалинска до Москвы составляет по прямой на самолёте 6640 км и 9280 км на машине.

Расположен в юго-восточной части острова Сахалин, на реке Сусуя, в 25 км от Охотского моря.

Крупнейший транспортный узел на острове: место пересечения автодорог регионального значения, железнодорожная станция и аэропорт.


Museum of the History of the Sakhalin Railway

In the Museum of the History of the Sakhalin Railway  visitors can find a cross section of a railway track, track monitoring devices, uniforms of train drivers and station masters as well as Japanese maps of Sakhalin.


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