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Polytechnical Museum - Политехнический музей

129223 Moskau - Moscow - Москва, Russian Federation

Address 119 Mira Ave. (VDNKh), bldg. 26
Floor area only roughly guessed: 40 000 m² / 430 556 ft²  
Museum typ Exhibition
Technical Museum in general
  • Passenger cars
  • Robotic
  • Nuclear / Radiation
  • Typewriter, calculating and coding
  • Motorcycles / Motorbikes
  • Science Museums in general
  • Model Cars
  • Wire- & tape recording
  • Record players with pick up
  • Architecture
  • Photo cameras and slide projectors
  • Clocks and Watches
  • Air and Space (aviation, spaceflight etc.)
  • Model Aircraft and Aviation
  • Modern technologies in general
  • Electronic Musical Instruments
  • Media
  • Radios (Broadcast receivers)
  • Telephone / Telex
  • Transport in general
  • Computer / Informatic
  • Railway
  • Gramophone (no electrical sound transmission)
  • Lamps and Light
  • Appliances (Scales, Stamping, etc.)
  • Movie recording and playback

Opening times
Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 - 20:00
с 10:00 до 16:00

Status from 11/2019
We don't know the fees.

Tel.:+7-495-730-54-38  Mobile:+7-495-780-60-27  


Our page for Polytechnical Museum - Политехнический музей in Moskau - Moscow - Москва, Russian Federation, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N55.757639° E37.629073°N55°45.45834' E37°37.74438'N55°45'27.5004" E37°37'44.6628"

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

LV: VEF Radio Works Spidola (1960)
SU: Voronezh POLIUS Dorožnyj {Дорожный} (1955)
SU: Voronezh POLIUS Sputnik {Спутник} (1957)
SU: Sarapoul Orjonikidze Ural-Auto {Урал-Авто} (1969)


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The Polytechnic Museum is one of the oldest science museums in the world and is located in Moscow. It showcases Russian and Soviet technology and science, as well as modern inventions.

The Polytechnic Museum is the largest technical museum in Russia, and houses a wide range of historical inventions and technological achievements, including humanoid automata of the 18th century, and the first Soviet computers. The collection contains over 170,000 items in 65 halls including, chemistry, mining, metallurgy, transport, energy, optics, automation, computer engineering, radio electronics, communications, and space exploration. Highlights include the first achromatic telescope; an early solar microscope by German anatomists Johann Nathanael Lieberkühn; an early seismograph by Boris Borisovich Galitzine; galvanoplastics by Moritz von Jacobi; and early electric lights by Pavel Yablochkov.


As of January 1, 2013 the museum fund of the museum consisted of 229,348 items. The museum features about 150 museum collections of national and world importance. The funds of the museum are dominated by scientific and technical typological collections consisting of functional technical objects. They can be used as a source of information about the main stages and directions of the development of a particular type of technology.

A highlight of the museum is the collection of vehicles, including the sections Bicycles, Motorcycles, Cars. The pearl of the car collection is the world only surviving Russian car built before the Revolution Russo-Balt K12/20 released in 1911.

All technologies combined in the thematic fund "Electronics and Communication" is presented in the collections "Exchanges", "Sound recording and playback technique", "TV receivers", "Radio receivers". Museum collection "Telephones" shows the development of terminal telephone systems from Bell's receiver to modern mobile phones. The collection "Telegraph technique" includes all types of telegraph and facsimile techniques since the creation of the first electromagnetic machine by P.L. Schilling in 1832 and until 1980-s.

The collection of computing equipment is the most comprehensive display in Russia and includes rare copyrights devices, such as automated abacus by Viktor Bunyakovsky, one of the first models of Odner's adding machine, the only surviving copy of the domestic computer "Ural", hydraulic integrator by Vladimir Lukyanov, the world's only computer based on ternary logic, "Syetun" and many other rarities.


Политехнический музей – национальный музей истории науки и техники, один из крупнейших научно-технических музеев мира.
В декабре 1991 г. музей был объявлен федеральной собственностью как особо ценный объект российского национального культурного наследия.
Музей был создан в 1872 г по инициативе Российских ученых-просветителей, членов Императорского Общества любителей естествознания, антропологии и этнографии. Здание музея расположенное в самом центре Москвы, построено по проекту архитектора И.А.Монигетти.
Сегодня Политехнический музей хранит свыше 170 тыс. музейных предметов, около 100 музейных коллекций, многие из которых уникальны. Экспозиция музея занимает площадь около 10, 5 тыс. кв. м., в 65 залах музея представлены самые различные области техники — Горное дело, Металлургия, Химическая технология, Автоматика и Вычислительная техника, Связь, Оптика, Метеорология, Космонавтика, Энергетика, Транспорт.

Ежегодно музей принимает около 450 тыс. посетителей.

Музей является научно-методическим центром музееведения, выполняет функции головного музея, сохраняющего и изучающего музейный фонд РФ в области науки и техники. Поэтому организация для технических музеев страны научных конференций, семинаров в целях обмена опытом является одним из приоритетных направлений деятельности музея. Политехнический музей создает обширную базу по проблемам научно-технического музееведения, доступную для других музеев.

Политехнический – активный участник международных музейных форумо presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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