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Guitars - The Museum

90329 Umeå, Sweden (Västerbottens län)

Address Vasagatan 18-20
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition

Opening times
Monday - Saturday 12:00-18:00; Guided Tours: 12:00 & 15.00 & 17.00
Måndag - Lördag 12:00 - 18:00pm; Guidade turer: 12:00 & 15.00 & 17.00

Status from 11/2016
Adults: 125 sek; Students: 90 sek; Seniors: 90 sek; Kids: free
Vuxna: 125 sek; Studerande: 90 sek; Pensionärer: 90 sek; Barn: gratis



Our page for Guitars - The Museum in Umeå, Sweden, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N63.827349° E20.268130°N63°49.64094' E20°16.08780'N63°49'38.4564" E20°16'5.2680"

The road infrastructure includes two European highways (E4 and E12) which pass the city.[17] The local bus system is centred at Vasaplan in the city centre, and has multiple routes travelling throughout the city.[18] About 4 kilometres (2 miles) from the city centre is Umeå Airport

The Bothnia Line connects to Umeå from the south, it runs along the High Coast via Örnsköldsvik to Umeå. The new railway provides Umeå with a fast train connection to Stockholm ( 6 1⁄2 hours). A new railway station, Umeå East Station, was built in connection to Norrland's University Hospital and Umeå University.

The Wasaline ferry takes four hours to arrive at Vaasa, Finland.

Guitars – The Museum is located downtown Umeå, “the capital” of the Norrland. Tucked in-between the Norrlandsoperan and the renowned cultural center, Umeå Folkets Hus.

Location / Directions


Umeå binds samman med Stambanan genom övre Norrland norrifrån genom Umeåbanan, en sidobana från Vännäs till Holmsund som öppnades för trafik 1896. Söderifrån ansluter den nybyggda Botniabanan med en bro över älvdeltat som invigdes augusti 2010. Umeå har två stationer,

Botniabanan, den nya kustnära järnvägen som knyter ihop Umeå med kuststäderna söderut, har medfört förändringar.


The museum is located in a brick building that previously hosted the school Vasaskolan. The building dates from 1904. It shares the venue with a rock club, a restaurant, a music store and a record shop. The museum opened in late January 2014, in connection with the inauguration of the European Capital of Culture in Umeå.

The Collections

The museum's collections consist primarily of electric guitars from the 1950s and 1960s, as well as a smaller collection of electric bass guitars, amplifiers and other paraphernalia related to the history of electric guitars. The collection has been gathered by brothers Mikael and Samuel Åhdén, since the 1970s; however, the collection as a whole has not been on public display until the museum was opened.

Among the more exclusive guitars in the collection, there is a 1958 Gibson Flying V, a 1960 Les Paul and a 1950 Fender Broadcaster. With a total of over 500 guitars, the museum has attracted international attention, and has been described as the largest of its kind in the world.

In addition to the museum's own collections there is also room for temporary exhibitions. To mark the opening, the exhibition Umeå - The European capital of hardcore 1989-2000 by Folkrörelsearkivet (the archive of popular movement) was displayed in the museum.



Museets samlingar utgörs främst av elgitarrer från 1950- och 1960-talen, samt ett mindre antal elbasar, förstärkare och annat med koppling till elgitarrens historia. Allt har samlats in av bröderna Michael och Samuel Åhdén, från 1970-talet och framåt, men samlingen i sin helhet har inte tidigare visats för allmänheten.

Till de mer exklusiva gitarrerna i samlingen hör en 1958 Gibson Flying V, en 1960 Les Paul och en 1950 Fender Broadcaster. Med sina totalt sett drygt 500 gitarrer har museet redan uppmärksammats internationellt, och bland annat kallats världens största i sitt slag.

Förutom museets egna samlingar finns också plats för tillfälliga utställningar. I samband med invigningen visades utställningen Umeå – The European capital of hardcore 1989–2000 i samarbete med Folkrörelsearkivet. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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