Munktellmuseet (Volvo) |
63343 Eskilstuna, Sweden (Södermanlands län) |
Address |
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
every day: 10:00 - 16:00
dagligen: 10:00 - 16:00
Status from 12/2023
Adults: 50 SEK; Children 10-16 years and seniors: 30 SEK Vuxna. 50 SEK; Barn 10-16 år och pensionärer; 30 SEK |
Contact |
Homepage | |
Location / Directions |
The Munktell Museum is part of the Munktell City, located on the Eskilstuna River, a 5-minute walk from the city centre. There are several technical museums near the Munktell Museum, where knives and the technical history of Eskilstuna are on display. |
Location / Directions (other) |
Munktellmuseet är en del av Munktellstaden, som ligger vid Eskilstunaån 5 minuters promenad från centrum.
I närheten av Munktellmuseet finns flera tekniska museer där knivar och Eskilstunas tekniska historia visas upp. |
Description | The museum’s collection contains products that represent several eras in the company’s almost two hundred year-long life cycle – everything from tool and steam machines from the 19th century to today’s more modern construction machines. Through the collection, you can follow the development of the products through the ages and see samples of the pioneering engineering that brought Sweden into the industrial age. All items in the collection are renovated and most are in working order. At the museum, it is possible to run several engines, which is usually an exciting and appreciated moment for the visitor! Construction Equipment - The machines that build Sweden Volvo Construction Equipment is one of the world's largest manufacturers of construction machinery. In our exhibition, you see the development from the first wheel loaders, graders and motor rollers with very interesting facts about the machines that contributed to building Sweden. Tractors - The farmers' new workhorses Many of us have a special place in our hearts for tractors that were and are the farmers' workhorses. Here you will find lots of interesting facts about our tractors from times gone by to models that you can still find on farms around our elongated country. Engines - Innovative power packages The engine is the heart of our construction machines and tractors, but we also manufactured engines for, among other things, boats, thrashers, pumps, mills, and stone crushers. Children & family Here you can climb and enter the machines What child does not like big machines? Sure, they can seem frighteningly large at times, but imagine being able to sit behind the levers on a real excavator? The Munktell Museum is a popular destination for the whole family. With us, you can spend many hours exploring old engines, machine tools, tractors, construction machines and other cool machines. The Innovation Exhibition Are you curious about the innovative technologies of the future? Then you are right to visit the Future Exhibition with us at the Munktell Museum. Volvo Construction Equipment is constantly breaking new ground by exploring new technologies. At the exhibition, you get an insight into their work and also get the opportunity to interact with several of the machines. How about putting on your VR glasses and keeping up with the quarry, or maybe controlling the mini excavator? |
Description (other) |
Wikipedia: Museet fokuserar på industrihistoria och framförallt tillverkningen vid Munktells Mekaniska Verkstad och AB Bolinder-Munktell som tidigare var verksamma i lokalerna. Kollektionen Kollektionen innehåller produkter som representerar flera epoker i företagets livscykel. Museet renoverar alla objekt så att de är i fungerande skick. På museet är det möjligt att köra ett flertal motorer. Vissa av dessa motorer utvecklades runt slutet av 1880-talet medan produktionen av dieselmotorer startade i början av 1900-talet. Barn & Familj Här får barnen klättra och provsitta Vilket barn gillar inte stora maskiner? Visst kan de verka skrämmande stora ibland, men tänk att få sätta sig bakom spakarna på en riktig grävmaskin? Munktellmuseet är ett populärt besöksmål för hela familjen. Hos oss kan du spendera många timmar med att utforska gamla motorer, verktygsmaskiner, traktorer, anläggningsmaskiner och andra märkliga manicker. |
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