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STM - Expozícia historických hodín Kaštiel v Budimíre - Uhrenausstellung - Exposition of Clocks

044 43 Budimír, Slovak Republic (Košický kraj - Region Košice)

Address Školská 2
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Clocks and Watches
  • Architecture

Opening times
Tuesday - Saturday: 9:00 to 17:00;
Utorok - sobota: 9.00 - 17.00;

Status from 05/2024
Adult: € 4; Children, students € 3; Familie: € 9
Dospelí: 4 €; Deti, študenti: 3 €; Rodinná: € 9

Tel.:+421-55 695 82 94  Mobile:+421-918 965 700  


Our page for STM - Expozícia historických hodín Kaštiel v Budimíre - Uhrenausstellung - Exposition of Clocks in Budimír, Slovak Republic, is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N48.795796° E21.306807°N48°47.74776' E21°18.40842'N48°47'44.8656" E21°18'24.5052"


The Slovak Technical Museum presents the Exposition of Historical Clocks in the Classical-Tesian building of the Manor House in Budimir. On display are historical wall, frame and table clocks, unique pocket watches from the 17th and 18th centuries and tower clockworks.

Unique exhibits include a French Boulle clock from 1720, a brass wall clock from 1760 from the workshop of Lehner, a clockmaker from Košice, the oldest pocket watch, the Nuremberg Egg, from 1630, and a legendary clock made of Meissen porcelain. Collectors and connoisseurs will be delighted by clocks and mechanisms of Omega, Cartier, BREGUET á Paris, VAUCHEZ á PARIS brands. In the Exposition of Historical Clocks you will not only get information about the exhibits, the history of timekeeping, but also interesting facts about the past and present of the manor.

Its attractive environment, interiors and French park, but especially the current STM exhibition events, are a good prerequisite for cultural enjoyment and relaxation during your visit.

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Slovenské technické múzeum prezentuje v klasicisticko-tereziánskom objekte Kaštieľa v Budimíre Expozíciu historických hodín. Vystavené sú historické nástenné, rámové i stolné hodiny, jedinečné vreckové hodinky zo 17. a 18. storočia i vežové hodinové stroje.

Unikátmi expozície sú francúzske hodiny, tzv. Boulle, z roku 1720, mosadzné nástenné hodiny z roku 1760 z dielne košického hodinára Lehnera, najstaršie vreckové hodinky, tzv. norimberské vajce, z roku 1630, alebo legendárne hodiny vyrobené z meissenského porcelánu. Zberateľov i znalcov potešia hodiny a mechanizmy značiek Omega, Cartier, BREGUET á Paris, VAUCHEZ á PARIS. V Expozícii historických hodín získate nielen informácie o vystavených exponátoch, o histórii merania času, ale i zaujímavosti o minulosti a prítomnosti kaštieľa.

Jeho atraktívne prostredie, interiéry i francúzsky park, ale najmä aktuálne expozično-výstavné podujatia STM, sú dobrým predpokladom pre kultúrne vyžitie i oddych počas jeho návštevy. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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