Text from 5/2012:
The Railway Museum started to emerge in the 1960s and has gradually developed into a small but well laid-out and comprehensive museum in a former boiler room at Parmova 35. The central building is a rotunda and presents some of the collection of steam engines and other museum vehicles. A permanent exhibition of other key sciences needed for a railway to operate is located in the nearby ancillary building of the rotunda.
Here, in the first room one can experience the atmosphere of a stationmaster's office of a small railway station in the final years of the Austria-Hungary monarchy, equipped with everything needed for traffic management and ticket sales.
The second room contains nine types of railway tracks from various periods and railway administrations, reflecting the country’s various rulers. The small railway vehicles, trolleys, that stand on them were once used by line supervisors and maintainers. Manual tools and aids bear witness to how difficult maintenance used to be. The development of the railway network in Slovenia is presented with seven maps from different periods of time, alongside which old railway boundary stones also remind us of the past.
One museum room is devoted to basic devices for the transmission of messages, like telegraphs, telephones and teleprinters, as well as apparatuses of higher levels like short-wave and FM radio stations, devices for the registration of telephone conversations, station public address systems, as well as a system of railway clocks.
A special space is set aside for railway uniforms, the "garment of honour", as designed over time. Here, certain work equipment of railway workers is also gathered, including the especially charming manual railway lanterns. In the area of signalling and safety devices, the museum contains a representative collection of electromechanical and electrodynamical block devices and other devices – both coming from the oldest and more recent history. There are the most common devices as well as curiosities and unique pieces. A small art gallery presents visitors with works of art dedicated to the railway. |
Description (other) |
Železniški muzej Slovenskih železnic v Ljubljani skrbi za ohranjanje zgodovine železnice v Sloveniji. Začel je nastajati v nekdanji kurilnici na postaji Ljubljana Šiška na Parmovi ulici 35 in se postopoma razvil v manjši, a izoblikovan in celovit muzej.
Železniški muzej je bil ustanovljen leta 1981 kot Odsek za muzejsko dejavnost Železniškega gospodarstva Ljubljana. Med njegovim nastajanjem je bila sprva na ogled le zbirka vozil v rotundi - polkrožni klonici za lokomotive - to je v osrednjem objektu nekdanje kurilnice, ki je razglašena za kulturni spomenik.
V muzejski zbirki je več kot šestdeset lokomotiv in več kot petdeset drugih vozil, pravtako pa se v zbirki nahaja še več tisoč muzealij iz drugih železniških področij. |