Camera Obscura

94121 San Francisco, CA, Estados Unidos (California)

Dirección 1096 Point Lobos Avenue
Superficie Aproximada 30 m² / 323 ft²  
Clase de museo
Camera Obscura

Horario apertura
11am - 5pm on beautiful days, shorter on other days

Desde 04/2013
3 $; Seniors & Children: 2 $

Tel.:+1-415-750-04 15  eMail:giantcamera  

Página web

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Posición / Como llegar
N37.778408° W122.514250°N37°46.70448' W122°30.85500'N37°46'42.2688" W122°30'51.3000"

The Camera Obscura is located near the Cliff House restaurant perched on the headlands on the cliffs just north of Ocean Beach on the western side of San Francisco, California

Descripción The camera obscura is a rare device,based on a 15th century design by Leonardo da Vinci.It produces 360 degrees of spectacular Live Images of the Seal Rock Area.

The Camera Obscura in San Francisco is a large-scale camera obscura and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.


The San Francisco Camera Obscura projects an image onto a horizontal viewing table via a reflected image from a viewpoint at the top of the building. A metal hood in the cupola at the top of the building slowly rotates, making a full revolution in about six minutes, allowing for a 360° view around the building.

Light enters the building via an angled mirror in the metal hood. It then passed through a lens with a 150 in. (381 cm) focal length and is projected onto a parabolic white "table" in a black room. The origin of the lens is uncertain but it appears to have been part of a telescope, likely manufactured by the Clark Lens Company of Cambridge, Massachusetts. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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