Choo Choo Barn

17579 Strasburg, PA, USA (Stati Uniti d'America) (Pennsylvania)

Indirizzo 226 Gap Rd, Box 130
Route 741 East 
Spazio espositivo 158 m² / 1 700 ft²  
Tipo museo Esposizione
Model Railway
  • Model Cars
  • Buildings- & Landscape Models

Orario d'apertura
March - December 30: 7 days a week: 10am - 5pm
see museum's web page for more opening days and closed days.

Status dal 08/2017
Adults (12 and up): $7.50; Kids (3 to 11): $4.50;

Tel.:+1-717-687-7911  Tel.2:+1-800-450-2920  

Pagina web

La nostra pagina per il museo Choo Choo Barn in Strasburg, USA (Stati Uniti d'America), non è ancora gestito da un iscritto a Contattaci per condividere la tua esperienza con questo museo, per eventuali correzioni ai dati o inviando foto mediante il Modulo contatti Ricerca Musei della radio.

Come arrivare
N39.982453° W76.165807°N39°58.94718' W76°9.94842'N39°58'56.8308" W76°9'56.9052"


Since 1961, people across the country and around the world have come to visit a truly unique attraction ... the Choo Choo Barn -- Traintown U.S.A.®! Our 1,700 square foot train layout features over 150 hand-built animated figures and vehicles and 22 operating trains…we guarantee the Choo Choo Barn is like nothing you've ever seen!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
The train display features over 150 hand-built animated figures and vehicles and 22 operating trains.

This train layout has grown into an attraction for all ages and all don't need to be a model railroading enthusiast to enjoy the scenery and animations presented on this display. The display continues to re-open each spring, and Tom Groff and his talented team continue to add, update, clean, renovate, and restore the display, so there's something new to see every year.

Visitors won't want to miss the signature fire scene - where the fire truck leaves the firehouse to arrive at a burning home. The firemen disembark the truck to rush to the aid of the homeowners, squirting REAL water on the fire. Their mission is accomplished, and they happily return on the truck to the fire station.

Hand-built animations such as this are what make the Choo Choo Barn unique. This display pays homage to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - with miniature replicas of The Willows Restaurant, Dutch Wonderland amusement park, the Strasburg Railroad, and even a scale version of the Groff family home. More than just a train display, the Choo Choo Barn is a real work of art - handcrafted year after year by Tom Groff in an effort to keep tradition alive. presenta la recensione di uno dei tanti musei catalogati nel sito. Abbiamo cercato di inserire tutti i dati più importanti. Nell'elenco (link in alto a destra) troverai un elenco esaustivo dei musei della radio d'epoca (e non solo) su cui abbiamo informazioni. Aiutaci ad essere esaustivi e aggiornati, utilizzando il modulo contatti che trovi in alto.



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