Microphone Museum |
Closed |
53204 Milwaukee, WI, United States of America (USA) (Wisconsin ) |
Address |
Select Sound Service, Inc.
107 East National Avenue |
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
Status from 02/2020
Closed |
Contact | Unknown contact data for this museum - please help via contact form. |
Homepage | The homepage we found in the web is invalid. |
Location / Directions |
The county seat of Milwaukee County, it is on Lake Michigan's western shore. Milwaukee's Amtrak station was renovated in 2007 to create the Milwaukee Intermodal Station near downtown Milwaukee and the Third Ward to provide Amtrak riders access to Greyhound Lines, Jefferson Lines and other intercity bus operators. Milwaukee is served by the Hiawatha Amtrak express service up to seven times daily between downtown Milwaukee and downtown Chicago, including a stop at the Milwaukee Airport Railroad Station, |
Description | We found this info at facebook: Curt Vincent 23. Dezember 2019: History: Bob Paquette’s Microphone Museum is a private collection started in 1950 and displayed since 1970. It is the result of a continuing research into the history and evolution of the microphone. The museum contains over 1000 microphones, the majority of which are pre 1950. Many items associated with the microphones and their use are also displayed. This includes many types of desk and floor stands, microphone enclosures, transformers, preamplifiers and test equipment. On file is a collection of specification sheets, patent copies, catalogs, advertising literature, technical periodicals. Three displays are set up to show the service and rebuilding process of early carbon and condenser microphones along with the special apparatus used. Since the Microphone evolved from the telephone, a variety of telephone transmitters are on display along with a few early telephones. To make the museum more interesting early wireless and radio are also included. |
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