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Nevada State Railroad Museum

89005 Boulder City, NV, United States of America (USA) (Nevada)

Address 600 Yucca Street
Floor area only roughly guessed: 1 000 m² / 10 764 ft²  
Museum typ

Opening times
Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 3:30pm
Train Ride start: Saturday and Sunday: 10am; (11:30am?; 1pm?; 2:30pm?)

Status from 08/2021
Train Ride: ADULT (12 and over): $10.00; CHILD (4 through 11 years): $5.00
Cab Rides - $35.00 per person; subject to engineers approval.
Caboose Rides - $20.00 per person

Tel.:+1-702-486-59 33  Fax:+1-702-486-59 01  


Our page for Nevada State Railroad Museum in Boulder City, United States of America (USA), is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N35.970630° W114.856456°N35°58.23780' W114°51.38736'N35°58'14.2680" W114°51'23.2416"

Take US-93 south toward Boulder City. After passing the traffic light at Veterans Memorial Drive, proceed 0.7 miles to Yucca Street (just past the Taco Bell). Turn left onto Yucca Street, and the train station for the Nevada Southern Railway is on your right.


The Nevada State Railroad Museum at Boulder City is a part of the Nevada Department of Cultural Affairs. There are currently no indoor interpretive, exhibit or display facilities at this location.

Here at the Museum, the maintenance facility was built in 1996 and the passenger platform was built in 2000. Equipment has been acquired by the State both through purchase and donation. The refurbishment of the locomotives and cars has been funded primarily by the State, with some private donations, and lots of volunteer labor.


There are four operational diesel locomotives at the Nevada Southern Railway.


There are three locomotives in the Museum collection that will be used for display only. The steam locomotives were not operational when acquired. Due to the great expense of restoring and certifying them, the plan is to cosmetically refurbish the steam locomotives and have them on static display.


Our train usually consists of three air-conditioned/heated cars (two coaches and a wheelchair accessible car), an open-air car, and a generator car (to supply power for lights, air-conditioning and heating). The runs depart from the station at Yucca Street and proceeds west approximately 3.0 miles to just behind the Railroad Pass Casino. We use the right of way and track developed by the Union Pacific Railroad in 1931 to supply materials to Boulder City for use in the construction of Hoover Dam. The round trip takes about 45 minutes. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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