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New Mexico Museum of Space History

88310 Alamogordo, NM, United States of America (USA) (New Mexico )

Address 3198 State Rte 2001
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
Air and Space (aviation, spaceflight etc.)
  • Imax & "Maxi screen"
  • Planetarium

Opening times

Status from 11/2022
Adults: Museum only: $8; Films: $8; Planetarium Shows: $6;
Planetary Combo (Museum + Planetarium ): $11;
Galactic Combos (Museum + Film): $13,
Universal Triple (Museum + Film + Planetarium): $16;
Child: Museum: $6; Films: $6; Planetarium: $5
Planetary Combo: $7: Galactic Combos: $9; Universal Triple: $11
Senior: Museum: $7; Films: $7; Planetarium: $5
Planetary Combo: $9; Galactic Combos: $11; Universal Triple: $13

Tel.:+1-575-437-2840  Fax:+1-575-434-2245  
Tel.2:+1-877-333-6589  eMail:  


Our page for New Mexico Museum of Space History in Alamogordo, United States of America (USA), is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N32.921079° W105.920690°N32°55.26474' W105°55.24140'N32°55'15.8844" W105°55'14.4840"

The New Mexico Museum of Space History is located in southeastern New Mexico in the city of Alamogordo.

While driving through Alamogordo on Highway 54/70, look for the New Mexico School for the Visually Handicapped. Turn towards the mountains on Indian Wells Road and drive to the end of the road. At the T-intersection, turn left on Scenic Drive. The entrance to the New Mexico Museum of Space History is just on your right.


The New Mexico Museum of Space History is a museum and planetarium complex in Alamogordo, New Mexico dedicated to artifacts and displays related to space flight and the Space Age. It includes the International Space Hall of Fame. The Museum of Space History highlights the role that New Mexico has had in the U. S. space program.

Main building

The museum includes exhibits about the planets of the Solar System, space flight and the primates that were used in early space flight experiments conducted by the United States. The museum holds mock-ups and training units of many important space artifacts such as satellites, the Space Shuttle, and the Apollo Lunar Module (the originals are still in space or on the Moon).

Outlying buildings

The Clyde W. Tombaugh IMAX Theater and Planetarium has a projection dome that doubles as an IMAX screen and as a planetarium. IMAX-format films are screened daily.


A Little Joe II in the museum's rocket park.

The John P. Stapp Air and Space Park is an outdoor exhibit area holding large artifacts, including the Sonic Wind No. 1 rocket sled ridden by Stapp.

Ham, the chimpanzee who in 1961 became the first ape in space, is buried at the museum in front of the flagpoles. Ham died in 1983.

The Astronaut Memorial Garden was created and dedicated to the memory of the astronauts who died in the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion. After the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, the names of Columbia's astronauts were added to the memorial.

The Daisy Track (named after the Daisy air rifle) was an air-powered sled track used to test safety devices, including the ancestor of the automobile seat belt. The museum rescued the pieces of the Daisy Track in 1986 and reassembled them as an outdoor exhibit in 2004. The Daisy Track exhibit is partly outside and partly inside a building that has some other exhibits. A temporary exhibit about the Delta Clipper Experimental (DC-X) is also housed in this building. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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