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Planes of Fame Air Museum Valle


86046 Valle-Williams, AZ, United States of America (USA) (Arizona)

Address 755 Mustang Way
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition

Opening times
Permanently closed on February 9, 2023.

Artifacts, memorabilia, and other items have been transferred to the Chino headquarters location.

Status from 03/2025



Our page for Planes of Fame Air Museum Valle in Valle-Williams, United States of America (USA), is administrated by member Jerry Elarton. Please write to him about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N35.647559° W112.141403°N35°38.85354' W112°8.48418'N35°38'51.2124" W112°8'29.0508"

Located halfway between Williams, Arizona and the south rim of the Grand Canyon.


Text from Wikipedia 6/2012:
Planes of Fame Air Museum is an aviation museum located in Chino, California, and Valle, Arizona. The museum has many flying and static aircraft, along with multiple rare examples under restoration.

Text from 6/2012:
As more and more aircraft were restored and the Planes of Fame collection grew, an additional display facility was opened in Valle, Arizona in 1995. This facility houses over 40 of the Museum’s aircraft, many of which are also flyable. Our mission is to preserve aviation history, inspire interest in aviation, educate the public, and honor aviation pioneers and veterans. The Museum is dedicated to the preservation, perpetuation and exhibition of historical aircraft, and to the men and women, both famous and unknown, who devoted their lives to flight.

Flying & Static Aircraft

Aero Delfin L-29
Bristol Brisfit F.2b
Convair Convair 240 CV-240
Read More DeHavilland Vampire
DH.100 Mk. III
Douglas Skyraider AD-4N
Douglas Invader RB-26C
Ford Ford Trimotor 5-AT
Grumman Tiger F11F-1
Grumman "Flying Barrel" (unoffical) G-32A
Lockheed Shooting Star T-33A
Lockheed Constellation VC-121A
Messerschmitt Gustav Bf 109G
Mikoyan-Gurevich Fagot MiG-15
Mooney Mite M-18
Vultee Val (Movie Conversion) BT-15
Republic Thunderjet F-84B
Siemens-Schuckert WWI Fighter D.IV
Standard WWI Trainer J-1
Stearman Kaydet Model 75
Oldfield Baby Great Lakes
Curtiss Robin Model J-1
Fairchild Cornell PT-19
Martin Airliner 4-0-4
North American Trojan
T-28B Rutan Long-EZ Model 61
Yakovlev Soviet WWII Fighter Yak-3
Mikoyan-Gurevich Fagot MiG-15UTI
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