Radio Technology Museum NJARC

07719 Wall Township, NJ, United States of America (USA) (New Jersey)

Address 2201 Marconi Road (behind The Marconi Hotel)
Floor area 269 m² / 2 900 ft²  
Museum typ
Radio and Kommunication in general

Opening times
Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday: 12pm (or 1pm) - 5pm

Status from 05/2021
Free entry, donations welcome.

Mobile:+1- 914-589-3751  eMail:president


Our page for Radio Technology Museum NJARC in Wall Township, United States of America (USA), is administrated by member Phil Vourtsis. Please write to him about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N40.185998° W74.060025°N40°11.15988' W74°3.60150'N40°11'9.5928" W74°3'36.0900"

The RTM is a part of the InfoAge Science History Learning Center and Museum located at the former U.S. Army Evans Signal Laboratory. The original site was constructed by Marconi in 1914 as a transatlantic radio receiver site.


The Museum traces the development of radio from before spark to beyond cellphones.

The truly magic thing about radios is that they play.  Many of the set on display have been lovingly restored to operating condition.  The museum is equipped with an antenna and cable distribution system incorporating a local transmitter to provide vintage programming as well as live broadcasts of-the-air.

The Radio Technology Museum is also the home of the National Broadcasters Hall of Fame that recoganizes many of the great radio personalities.

The Hands-On Lab gives childeren of all ages the opportunity to play with radio.  
Displays include:
Crystal Set
Regenerative Receiver
WWII "Bomber" Receiver
Seeing Sound
Jacob's Ladder
Tesla Coil
Basic Electrical Experiments
The Museum also hosts special educational events such as the Crystal-Set Seminar. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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