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Titan Missile Museum

85614 Green Valley, AZ, United States of America (USA) (Arizona)

Address 1580 West Duval Mine Road
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ Exhibition
  • Automation Control Systems
  • Combustion engines/generators/pumps
  • Historic Engineering Landmarks

Opening times
October - May, Daily: 9:45am-5pm
June - September, Thursday - Monday: 9:45am-5pm
see website for holiday exceptions.

Status from 09/2023
Adults (13-64) $16.50, Seniors $15.50, Juniors (5-12) $12.00, Children (0-4) $1

Tel.:+1-520-625 77 36  eMail:info  


Our page for Titan Missile Museum in Green Valley, United States of America (USA), is administrated by member Jerry Elarton. Please write to him about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N31.903128° W110.999068°N31°54.18768' W110°59.94408'N31°54'11.2608" W110°59'56.6448"

The Titan Missile Museum is located about 40 km (25 mi) south of Tucson, Arizona in the United States.


Text from Wikipedia 11/2013:
The Titan Missile Museum, also known as Air Force Facility Missile Site 8 or as Titan II ICBM Site 571-7, is a former ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) site.
It was constructed in 1963 and deactivated in 1984. It is now a museum run by the nonprofit Arizona Aerospace Foundation and includes an inert Titan II missile in the silo, as well as the original launch facilities.
It is the only Titan II complex to survive from the late Cold War period.

Underground Facilities

The underground facilities consist of a three-level Launch Control Center, the eight level silo containing the missile and its related equipment, and the connecting structures of cableways (access tunnels), blast locks, and the access portal and equipment elevator. The complex was built of steel reinforced concrete with walls as much as 8-foot-thick (2.4 m) in some areas, and a number of 3-ton blast doors sealed the various areas from the surface and each other.

The top level of the silo permits viewing the silo missile doors. Level 3 houses a large diesel generator. Level 7 provides access to the lowest part of the launch duct. Visitors on the "Beyond the Blast Doors" tour are allowed to stand directly underneath the missile. Level 8, at 140 ft (43 m) underground, houses the propellant pumps

Titan II missile

The 103-foot (31 m) Titan II missile inside the silo has neither warhead nor fuel, allowing it to be safely displayed to visitors. In accordance with a US/USSR agreement, the silo doors are permanently blocked from opening more than half way.

Yield and warhead

The Titan II was the largest operational land based nuclear missile ever used by the United States. The missile had one W53 warhead with a yield of 9 Megatons.


Ein Besucherzentrum für das Gelände verfügt über einen Souvenirladen, ein kleines Museum und geführte Touren auf dem Gelände. Das Museum soll den Titan II in den Kontext des Kalten Krieges stellen. Paid-Touren sind zu mieten und bieten Aufklärung über die Geschichte der Titan II-Website und -Programm sowie einen genaueren Blick auf viele Merkmale des Komplexes. Zu den Reliquien gehören die Stände für Kraftstofflagerbehälter und die damit verbundenen Steuerfahrzeuge, restaurierte Triebwerke einer Titan II-Rakete und ein Wiedereintrittsfahrzeug.[citation needed]

Zu den Touren unter der Erde gehören die Leitraum, die Kabelwege (Tunnel), das Silo, der Antennenturm und mehr. Weitere Informationen finden Sie und Reservierungen können über die Museumswebsite erfolgen. Mehrmals im Monat gibt es eine umfangreichere "Top to bottom"-Tour. Diese Tour dauert bis zu 5 Stunden und bietet Platz für maximal sechs Personen. Vorbehalt erforderlich. Die Top-to-Bottom-Tour ist nicht barrierefrei.

Mehrere Szenen im Film Star Trek: First Contact aus dem Jahr 1996 wurden vor Ort gedreht. Die Rakete selbst wurde als Trägerrakete für das Phoenix-Raumschiff des Films dargestellt, den ersten Warp-Prototypen. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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