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vintageTEK museum

97077 Beaverton, OR, United States of America (USA) (Oregon )

Address 13489 SW Karl Braun Dr
Floor area 418 m² / 4 499 ft²  
Museum typ Exhibition
Measuring Instruments, Lab Equipment
  • Computer / Informatic
  • Arms

Opening times
Fridays 10am – 6pm: Saturdays 10am – 4pm and by request

Status from 04/2019
Free entry.

Tel.:+1-503-644-01 61  eMail:contactus  


Our page for vintageTEK museum in Beaverton, United States of America (USA), is administrated by member David Brown. Please write to him about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N45.499010° W122.815476°N45°29.94060' W122°48.92856'N45°29'56.4360" W122°48'55.7136"

Beaverton is a city in Washington County, in the U.S. state of Oregon. The city center is 7 miles (11 km) west of downtown Portland in the Tualatin River Valley.

Some example model pages for sets you can see there:

USA: Tektronix; Portland, Oscilloscope Tektronix 511 (1947)

Description is a charitable, educational and scientific museum founded to commemorate the early history of Tektronix, Inc and its role in spawning approximately 300 high technology companies in the ‘Silicon Forest’ – i.e. the four county, two state metropolitan area of Portland, Oregon.

Our main goal is to share our knowledge and history and to “pique the interest of young people in science and technology and to challenge them to become the technologists of the next decade”.

Museum Collections

The museum has a number of different collections for you to enjoy.

Restored and operating instruments from 1946 to the mid 1990's

Monolithic oscilloscopes
Laboratory oscilloscopes and numerous plug-ins
Portable oscilloscopes
Curve tracers
Spectrum Analyzers
Television products
Time Domain Reflectometers
Logic Analyzers
Microprocessor Development Systems
Medical Products
Direct View Storage Terminals
TM500 series products
Sony/Tektronix products
Grass Valley Group products

Specialty and one-of-a-kind items

1968 Prototype #2 Transmission Electron Microscope
4051 Desktop Graphics System with RamPack containing over 100 programs
Tek Labs DEC PDP-11/34A with color frame buffer for early graphics development
Hybrids Component Organization (HCO) DEC PDP-8E laser trimmer
GVG Model 1200 Switcher
Jetronic clone oscilloscope (Tektronix Inc. v. the United States and the Hickok Electrical Instrument Co., Lavoie Laboratories, Inc., Jetronic Industries, Inc., Third-party Defendants, U.S. Court of Claims, October 15, 1965)
Computer Aided Chemistry (CAChe) 3D modelling system
The first Emmy awarded to Tektronix.

Extensive libraries

Printed User and Service manuals
Microfiche containing User and Service Manuals, and Field documentation.  Our collection is estimated at over 3.9 million pages of information.
Concept Books, Common Parts Catalogs, TekWeeks, TekTalk, and TekTopics.
Over 12,000 negatives of people, places, and products with over 4,000 digitized. A sampling of photos is available in the Photo Galleries.
16mm films, video (VTR reel, uMatic, Betacam, and VHS) of product and technology demonstrations. A sampling of films and videos is available in the Video Galleries.
Employee photos (May 1970 album) and photos may be printed at the museum
While not a library, we have an extensive collection of NOS and used parts. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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