Western Railway Preservation Society (WRPS) |
97303 Brooks, OR, United States of America (USA) (Oregon ) |
Address |
3995 Brooklake Rd NE
On the grounds of Powerland Heritage Park |
Floor area | unfortunately not known yet |
Opening times
Status from 11/2020
We don't know the fees. | ||||
Contact |
Homepage |
www.antiquepowerland.com/western-railway-preservation-society westernrailwaypreservation.org |
Location / Directions |
Brooks is an unincorporated community in Marion County, Oregon, United States. Brooks is part of the Salem Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located about nine miles north of Salem near Oregon Route 99E on French Prairie. Powerland Heritage Park is located in the heart of the Willamette Valley near I-5 and exit 263. The Western Railway Preservation Society is located on the grounds of Powerland Heritage Park Exhibits are housed in the Heller Hall and Richardson Building |
Description | At the Western Railway Preservation Society’s site currently under construction, particular attention is given to the narrow gauge railways that were once very common through the west. The WRPS has worked on not only preserving the locomotives and rolling stock of these railways but has also worked to preserve and restore other related artifacts like wayside buildings, water tanks, depots and even smaller artifacts like photos and documents. The Western Railway Preservation Society is dedicated to preserving the skills and artifacts of our western railway heritage. |
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