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Davide Casarosa, Italy - Tube collection

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ID = 13752
Photo Davide Casarosa

Below you find a part of the tube collection Davide Casarosa.

valvole fino agli anni 20 in vetri colorati, radio valvole esterne
Result: 1 to 30 from 30
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Excerpt from the tube collection of Davide Casarosa. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Davide Casarosa.

v 24 con scatola ed imbottitura originale, si evidenziano i rapporti dimensionali.
V24 1916
Marconi's Wireless Telegraph... GB
visione esterna e visione in trasparenza della struttura.
R_Moorhead 1917 ??
Moorhead Laboratories (Pacif... USA
scatola marconi R
R_Marconi 1922
MO Valve Co. Ltd.; GB GB
scatola uv 199 GEM
UV199 1922
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
scatola UV 201 a GEM
UV201A 1922
General Electric for Brand R... USA
marchio rextron su valvola 201 a pera.
201A 1925
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
versione in vetro rosso violaceo della valvola 80, prodotta dalla italiana F.I.V.R.E. per apparecchi radio Marelli
UX280 1927
RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); N... USA
click to access the tube page
24 1929
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
vista in trasparenza di una 43 rossa della ditta fivre
43 1932
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
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Le Radion; Chicago USA
valvola con il tipico alloggiamento protettivo in scatola
Common type Great Britain tu... GB
Rara valvola Mullard con struttura interna similare alle primitive Audion de Forest.
click to access the tube page
American Radio Laboratories ... USA
click to access the tube page
Grammont (Radiofotos, Fotos)... F
click to access the tube page
Grammont (Radiofotos, Fotos)... F
scatola, immagine laterale
201 A Airline  vetro giallo con il primo modello di scatola
Airline, Super-Airline, Ward... USA
click to access the tube page
Grammont (Radiofotos, Fotos)... F
click to access the tube page
Moorhead Laboratories (Pacif... USA
set completo di 4 valvole bluetron ux 99 per apparato radio
Common type Japan tube/semic... J
vista dettaglio scatola
Vacobub (Tube brand), Standa... USA
rarissima valola GEM in vetro blucon base in ottone.
arcturus ux 99
Arcturus Radio Tube Co.; New... USA
foglio di accompagnamento per valvola bluetron  ux 99
Arcturus Radio Tube Co.; New... USA
valvola 199 gem base ottone esemplare molto raro nella spartana confezione
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
true blue ux 99 in scatola singola
True Blue (Brand); Brightson... USA
Rara valvola Erla 200 in vetro giallo verdastro
Electrical Research Laborato... USA
dynetron 201 a tubolar, colore intenso blu senza trasparenze.
USA - Tubes designated in th... USA
vista complessiva, la valvola è alta 35 cm
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... NL
Valvola philips 4600-18
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... NL
Result: 1 to 30 from 30

Tube collector page of valve collector Davide Casarosa as «own HP at RMorg»
As a member of Davide Casarosa displays items in his/her tube collection. Tubes are called valves in British oriented countries.
Valve and tube collectors as well as radio collectors are invited to join Every member can display separate collections of tubes, radios etc.

Davide Casarosa started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 25.Jan.2013. [index-en]


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