Antique radios, Old Time Radios
Fabio Masetti, Italy - Tube collection
Below you find a part of the tube collection Fabio Masetti.
Posseggo una raccolta di schemi Italiani (circa 6000), in fotocopie, purtroppo non ho segnato da dove le ho
copiate. Posseggo inoltre: 4 volumi del Manuale
del Radiomeccanico ristampati dalla Mosè
Edizioni, i 5 volumi della Guida Pratica di
Antique Radio più i due volumi del Catalogo di
Antique Radio, 15 volumi della ANIE Radio
Televione Radiacustica.
Result: 91 to 120 from 149 |
Excerpt from the tube collection of Fabio Masetti. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Fabio Masetti.
4П1Л |
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... |
SU |
3Q5GT |
Common type USA tube/semicond. |
2П29Л |
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... |
SU |
2Ж27Л |
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... |
SU |
2M172A |
Toshiba Corporation; Tokyo |
J |
1Б2П |
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... |
SU |
1P28 |
RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); N... |
1C7G |
Common type USA tube/semicond. |
ИН-1 |
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... |
SU |
ГУ-17 |
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... |
SU |
WE11 |
Common type Italy tube/semic... |
I |
WB1644 |
Deutsche Glimmlampen GmbH, (... |
D |
V2_Cossor |
Cossor, A.C.; London |
GB |
UM34 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
TS49 |
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... |
NL |
TJ801K |
Common type USA tube/semicond. |
STV100/60ZE |
Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)... |
D |
S410N |
Triotron (tubes) = Brand of ... |
A |
RZC1031 |
Ericsson (L.M.), Allmänna Te... |
S |
RK2K25 |
Raytheon Mfg. Co.; Cambridge... |
РБ-2 |
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... |
SU |
PU024 |
Purotron, Raga AG; Zürich |
CH |
PTT218 |
Common type France tube/semi... |
F |
PTT212P |
Common type France tube/semi... |
F |
Result: 91 to 120 from 149 |
Tube collector page of valve collector Fabio Masetti as «own HP at RMorg»
As a member of Fabio Masetti displays items in his/her tube collection. Tubes are called valves in British oriented countries.
Valve and tube collectors as well as radio collectors are invited to join Every member can display separate collections of tubes, radios etc.
Fabio Masetti started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 10.Sep.2009.
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