Below you find a part of the tube collection Francisc VISKY. I have a B.A. in electrical engineering. Have been collecting radio sets for over 4 years. I am not specialized yet in a certain model or year. Now days I have over 100 sets and try to organize them, to restore them, to … collect more of them ! The first time I got into contact with a radio set was in October 1956, at the age of eight. Back then we used to live in a village called Cheþ in the Bihor department. My father listened to a lamp radio that came with a set of headphones. I was totally fascinated by that apparatus, so I loved watching my father change the batteries or try to fine tune the reception. Every evening I would stay beside my father who was listening with great interest the information offered by that amazing box. Here you can read more of my story:〈=en |
Extracto de la colección de válvulas de Francisc VISKY. Estas imágenes fueron aportadas en la página de válvula respectiva por Francisc VISKY.
Página de coleccionista de Francisc VISKY como «Página personal en RMorg»
Como miembro de, Francisc VISKY muestra aquí algunos ítems de su colección personal. Por el momento, los miembros no pueden crear páginas de válvulas por sí mismos sino que deben solicitarlo al administrador de válvulas.
Francisc VISKY inauguró esta muestra de su colección el día 26.Sep.2007. [noindex-sp]
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