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Götz Linss † 27.06.21, Germany - Tube collection

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ID = 5795
Photo Götz Linss † 27.06.21

Below you find a part of the tube collection Götz Linss † 27.06.21.

Ich bin vor allem Funkamateur seit 1956. Da ich mit Röhrengeräten "groß" geworden bin, liebe ich diese alten Kisten und funke sogar gelegentlich mit einem Johnson Ranger II von ca. 1963, einem Heathkit DX-60A mit HG-10 VFO, oder mit einer Collins S-Line. Eigentlich bin ich kein Sammler, interessiere mich aber für alte Radiogeräte. Ich habe einen Nordmark 128, Racal RA-17L, Hammarlund HQ-170. Inzwischen sind noch Telefunken 975WK, T875WK, Loewe-Opta Rheinperle und Grundig 4040W/3D dazu gekommen. Über die Jahrzehnte haben sich auch einige Röhren angesammelt. Die größten und "schönsten" Senderöhren, die ich habe, stehen gut sichtbar in meinem "shack", alias Funkzimmer.
Result: 1 to 30 from 197
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Excerpt from the tube collection of Götz Linss † 27.06.21. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Götz Linss † 27.06.21.

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ABC1 1934
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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ACH1 1933
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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AF3 1934
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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AF7 1934
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
AL4 1936
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
Amperex; New York USA
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AZ1 1935
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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AZ11 1938
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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AZ12 1938
Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)... D
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Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
Fassung mit RL12P50
Telefunken RL12P35, Nr.499933/2843/V, Wehrmacht ??, BAL1964, 29, ??
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Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
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Common type Great Britain tu... GB
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Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
click to access the tube page
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
click to access the tube page
BBC - Brown Boveri; Baden CH
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Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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EAA91 1951
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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EABC80 1952
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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EAF801 1963
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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EBF11 1938
Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)... D
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EBF89 1954
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)... D
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Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)... D
JJ ECC82 Vorne
ECC82 1951
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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JJ Electronic; Čadca SK
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ECC85 1953
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Result: 1 to 30 from 197

Tube collector page of valve collector Götz Linss † 27.06.21 as «own HP at RMorg»
As a member of Götz Linss † 27.06.21 displays items in his/her tube collection. Tubes are called valves in British oriented countries.
Valve and tube collectors as well as radio collectors are invited to join Every member can display separate collections of tubes, radios etc.

Götz Linss † 27.06.21 started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 30.Jul.2007. [index-en]


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