Matti Adolfsen, Finland - Tube collection

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ID = 25418
Photo Matti Adolfsen

Below you find a part of the tube collection Matti Adolfsen.

Collection main focus: professional sound production equipment from microphones to mixers and tape recorders. Broadcast equipment, transmitters. A few vintage radios as well. Professional history: electronics maintenance, audio electronics design, sound engineering. Today teaching live sound and recording.
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Excerpt from the tube collection of Matti Adolfsen. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Matti Adolfsen.

2N1168 pair in DISA mic preamplifier
Delco - tubes; USA USA

Tube collector page of valve collector Matti Adolfsen as «own HP at RMorg»
As a member of Matti Adolfsen displays items in his/her tube collection. Tubes are called valves in British oriented countries.
Valve and tube collectors as well as radio collectors are invited to join Every member can display separate collections of tubes, radios etc.

Matti Adolfsen started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 28.Jun.2016. [index-en]


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