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Michael Watterson, Ireland - Tube collection

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ID = 14211
Photo Michael Watterson

Below you find a part of the tube collection Michael Watterson.

Generally interested in all old radios and useful old test gear. Particularly at the moment in valve portable gear. Also interested in Amateur Radio (Construction as much as operation).

I used to write articles on old and modern technology on my old website Techtír (Technology land in Irish)..

I still do some restores, but mostly write.

Result: 31 to 56 from 56
Sort order:  [ Name | Maker | Year | Type | Country ]

Excerpt from the tube collection of Michael Watterson. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Michael Watterson.

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MO Valve Co. Ltd.; GB GB
Mazda, used.
Mazda = Valve (Tube) brand G... GB
Both sides of same tube with conductive paint missing one side and wire that connects paint to middle filament/g3 wire showing.
Raytheon Mfg. Co.; Cambridge... USA
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Raytheon Mfg. Co.; Cambridge... USA
Mullard DF96 replaced by 1j24b in 1957 Invicta 29
DF96 1953
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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DL94 1950
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
Mullard DL96 replaced by 1j29b with 1/2 filament in 1957 Invicta 29
DL96 1953
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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click to access the tube page
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; GB
graph is 5mm
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; GB
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UL41 1947
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
5mm squares
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; GB
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GEC, General Electric Co Ltd... GB
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Marconi-Osram - (Valves/Tube... GB
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1T4 1940
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
Date code IX 76 = 1976 and (week or month?) 9
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
date code 9104 visible = 1991 (month or Week?)
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
Date code is year only '77' = 1977. g1 is middle pin.
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
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Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
Date code 8901 (1989, month or week 1) very clear.
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
8503 date code = 1985 NOS
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
Note ribbed indentation on tube
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
Mazda = Valve (Tube) brand G... GB
NOS boxed 1958: BesTest branded
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
Centre = 6418, left 5678, right= Russian Rod Pentode 1j24b
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
With halogen desk lamp only 10cm away! Very bright.
Common type USSR (SU) tube/s... SU
Result: 31 to 56 from 56

Tube collector page of valve collector Michael Watterson as «own HP at RMorg»
As a member of Michael Watterson displays items in his/her tube collection. Tubes are called valves in British oriented countries.
Valve and tube collectors as well as radio collectors are invited to join Every member can display separate collections of tubes, radios etc.

Michael Watterson started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 26.Sep.2011. [index-en]


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