Excerpt from the tube collection of Patrice Zeissloff. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Patrice Zeissloff.
EZ81 |
Common type Worldwide tube/s... |
ZZ |
EZ35 |
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; |
GB |
EZ10B |
Elesta AG, Bad Ragaz |
CH |
EY802 |
Common type France tube/semi... |
F |
EY627 |
Mazda (tubes), Mazda-Belvu, ... |
F |
EY88 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
EY81F |
Common type France tube/semi... |
F |
ESU76 |
Mazda = Valve (Tube) brand G... |
GB |
ER236 |
Eveready (Ever Ready), AENMC... |
ER21A |
Elesta AG, Bad Ragaz |
CH |
EN93 |
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; |
GB |
EN31 |
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; |
GB |
EM83 |
Röhrenwerk "Anna Seghers" Ne... |
D |
EL4402/00 |
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... |
NL |
EL519 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
EL511 |
Mazda (tubes), Mazda-Belvu, ... |
F |
EL509 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
EL502 |
Common type France tube/semi... |
F |
EL183P |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
EL183E |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
EL136 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
EL83 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
EL81 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
EL36 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
EL1C |
Electrons Inc.; Newark, NJ |
EGM1 |
SFR (S.F.R.) - Société Franç... |
F |
SFR (S.F.R.) - Société Franç... |
F |
Patrice Zeissloff started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 29.Dec.2004.