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René Goebel † 21.12.23, Germany - Tube collection

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ID = 1634
Photo René Goebel † 21.12.23

Below you find a part of the tube collection René Goebel † 21.12.23.

alte Radios und Tonbandgeräte ab ca. 1950, auch einige ältere. vorhandene Messgeräte: - Voltcraft Multimeter M3650D - Heathkit Röhrenvoltmeter - HP Funktionsgenerator 3310A ( 0..5MHz ) - Hameg Oszilloskop HM203-5 und HM604-2 - EURATELE Ableichsender Typ 412 - dietechnik Frequenzzähler Typ 101 (0..30MHz) - Regeltrafo 0..220 Volt (200 VA)
Result: 31 to 44 from 44
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Excerpt from the tube collection of René Goebel † 21.12.23. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by René Goebel † 21.12.23.

6AN8A Sylvania
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
click to access the tube page
6A7 1933
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
click to access the tube page
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
click to access the tube page
1T4 1940
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
click to access the tube page
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
1T4 von RT ( La Radiotechnique)
Common type Great Britain tu... GB
click to access the tube page
UCH11 1939
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
PC900 1963
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
ECH42 1948
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
DF96 1953
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
DC96 1955
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
DAF96 1953
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
AL4 1936
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
Result: 31 to 44 from 44

Tube collector page of valve collector René Goebel † 21.12.23 as «own HP at RMorg»
As a member of René Goebel † 21.12.23 displays items in his/her tube collection. Tubes are called valves in British oriented countries.
Valve and tube collectors as well as radio collectors are invited to join Every member can display separate collections of tubes, radios etc.

René Goebel † 21.12.23 started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 25.Feb.2005. [index-en]


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