Excerpt from the tube collection of Rudolf Osterkamp. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Rudolf Osterkamp.
TV13 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
TV18 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
TV20 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
UBC81 |
1956 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
UBF11 |
1939 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
UCH11 |
1939 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
UCL11 |
1939 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
UM11 |
1940 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
UY1 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
VT180_GPO |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
VY1 |
1935 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
WN5457 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
XP1117 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
Z2b |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
ZA1004 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
ZTK33 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
12QR205 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
108C1 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
150AV |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
3328A |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
AAY10-120 |
RTC La Radiotechnique - Copr... |
F |
AN-M10 |
LPE, Laboratoire de Piézo Él... |
F |
B9 |
Grammont (Radiofotos, Fotos)... |
F |
BDY58 |
COSEM (C.O.S.E.M.); Saint-Eg... |
F |
BDY80 |
COSEM (C.O.S.E.M.); Saint-Eg... |
F |
BF1 |
Grammont (Radiofotos, Fotos)... |
F |
Bigrille/Osc/80V |
Grammont (Radiofotos, Fotos)... |
F |
BU109 |
Common type France tube/semi... |
F |
BUL49D |
Thomson (marque), Thomson-Ho... |
F |
BUV20 |
COSEM (C.O.S.E.M.); Saint-Eg... |
F |
Rudolf Osterkamp started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 04.Aug.2008.