Excerpt from the tube collection of Rudolf Osterkamp. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Rudolf Osterkamp.
MC1 |
Siemens (& Halske, -Schucker... |
D |
MH4 |
1929 |
MO Valve Co. Ltd.; GB |
GB |
Microtriode |
Grammont (Radiofotos, Fotos)... |
F |
Miniwatt |
Helikon, Helikonwerk, Ing. R... |
A |
MS500 |
Radioröhrenfabrik GmbH (RRF)... |
D |
NN4 |
Sator (brand of Tungsram for... |
H |
OeconomN |
Radioröhrenfabrik GmbH (RRF)... |
D |
1924 |
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; |
GB |
Oscillotron |
Radioröhrenfabrik GmbH (RRF)... |
D |
P1_Cossor |
Cossor, A.C.; London |
GB |
P2 |
Common type Great Britain tu... |
GB |
P2_Cossor |
Cossor, A.C.; London |
GB |
P27/500 |
Tungsram; Budapest (see also... |
H |
P100/1000 |
Tungsram; Budapest (see also... |
H |
P220A_Mazda |
Mazda = Valve (Tube) brand G... |
GB |
P237 |
Pilot Electric Mfg. Co. (Rad... |
P414 |
Tungsram; Budapest (see also... |
H |
P425 |
1928 |
Marconi-Osram - (Valves/Tube... |
GB |
P460 |
Tungsram; Budapest (see also... |
H |
PA2_Mullard |
1923 ? |
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; |
GB |
PM2 |
1926 |
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; |
GB |
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; |
GB |
Power-Bivolt |
Dario (tubes) - voir aussi L... |
F |
PTT0 |
Dario (tubes) - voir aussi L... |
F |
PTT2 |
Common type Europe tube/semi... |
EU |
Ediswan, Siemens Edison Swan... |
GB |
R_Mullard |
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; |
GB |
R4C |
1919 ?? |
GEC, General Electric Co Ltd... |
GB |
R5 |
La Radiotechnique (RT); Pari... |
F |
Rudolf Osterkamp started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 04.Aug.2008.