Stig Comstedt, Suecia - Tube collection

Información - Ayuda
ID = 10682
Photo Stig Comstedt

Below you find a part of the tube collection Stig Comstedt.

I am not a bona fide collector though I posses a small collection of mostly miniature tubes, saved for renewal purposes (for sets belonging to friends, colleges and anybody in need) meaning the tubes here are for sale or swap. I am at present writing a book on the history of the vacuum tube (in Swedish) and through my modest collection of, mostly out of print, books on tube technology might be of some help to RM members. My language is marked as English but you might write me in German (and in Swedish of course!).
Resultado: 151 a 180 de 285
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Extracto de la colección de válvulas de Stig Comstedt. Estas imágenes fueron aportadas en la página de válvula respectiva por Stig Comstedt.

Raytheon 717A VT-269
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
QTL 813
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
British Instruments 5687
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
RCA 5691 m. box
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
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Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
Raytheon 5829WA
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
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Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
SER 6005/6AQ5W (+ SER 6AQ5)
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
RCA 9003, U.S. Navy SC278A
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
JAN-CKR-9006/SC961A (Ken-Rad)
Common type USA tube/semicond. USA
Siemens CV 455 (12AT7)
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Mullard ECC88
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Mullard EF86
EF86 1954
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
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Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Philips PCF80
PCF80 1953
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
RCA OA2 m. box
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Emitron 3S4
3S4 1940
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
4CX250B with SK-606 chimney and in SK-640 socket
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
General Electric 5U4GB m. box (Sylvania Verteiler)
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
'Amerty' Mullard 5Y3GT
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
General Electric 6AL5
6AL5 1942
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Brimar 6AQ5
6AQ5 1946
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Brimar 6AT6
6AT6 1945 ?
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
6AU6 m. Hallicrafter logo (unbekannt. Hersteller)
6AU6 1946
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
SER 6AV6 m. box
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Telefunken 6BE6 m. box
6BE6 1946
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
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Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
RCA 6CL6 m. box
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
RCA 6H6 m. box
6H6 1935
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Common type Worldwide tube/s... ZZ
Resultado: 151 a 180 de 285

Página de coleccionista de Stig Comstedt como «Página personal en RMorg»
Como miembro de, Stig Comstedt muestra aquí algunos ítems de su colección personal. Por el momento, los miembros no pueden crear páginas de válvulas por sí mismos sino que deben solicitarlo al administrador de válvulas.

Stig Comstedt inauguró esta muestra de su colección el día 13.Oct.2011. [noindex-sp]


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