Wayne Childress, Estados Unidos - Tube collection

Información - Ayuda
ID = 21833
Photo Wayne Childress

Below you find a part of the tube collection Wayne Childress.

I live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the Commonwealth (State) of Virginia. My hobbies have ranged from fly fishing and fly tying to photography and writing, and of course radios. I have collected radio twice in my life. First in early 1990s, when I collected National Company amateur equipment, including more than 10 complete HROs. Since 2014, I dabble in a little of everything, new and old, but with emphasis on amateur transmitters, communications receivers, shortwave radios, and radio literature. I am a radio history buff, which is why I spend a great deal of time on the RM filling in the blanks! 73, KM4KAU
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Página de coleccionista de Wayne Childress como «Página personal en RMorg»
Como miembro de, Wayne Childress muestra aquí algunos ítems de su colección personal. Por el momento, los miembros no pueden crear páginas de válvulas por sí mismos sino que deben solicitarlo al administrador de válvulas.

Wayne Childress inauguró esta muestra de su colección el día 28.Jan.2017. [noindex-sp]


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