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Wolfgang Bauer, Austria - Tube collection

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ID = 3414
Photo Wolfgang Bauer

Below you find a part of the tube collection Wolfgang Bauer.

1934 Gründung der Firma Radio Bauer in Wien 8, Josefstädterstrasse 35, durch meinen Vater Alfred Bauer.
1960 Beginn meiner Lehre als Radiomechaniker.
1963 Gesellenprüfung im Radiomechanikergewerbe
1964 Reparaturabteilung Minerva Radio Wien
1964 - 1965 Reparaturabteilung Endkontrolle Fertigung bei Ingelen
1965 Eintitt in den väterlichen Betrieb und Aufbau der Reparaturwerkstätte.
1970 Meisterprüfung im Radiomechanikergewerbe.
1977 Übernahme der Firma nach dem Tode meines Vaters.
1981 Beitritt zur Einkaufsgenossenschaft Funkberater, jetzt RedZac.
2002 Verkauf der Firma an meine Angestellten.
2000 - 2004 Beteiligung an der ESC-Service GmbH, einer Gemeinschaftswerkstätte für alle elektronischen Heimgeräte wie TV, Video etc.
Private Sammlung alter Radios, Fernseher, Radioröhren seit den 30er-Jahren.
Result: 211 to 240 from 605
Sort order:  [ Name | Maker | Year | Type | Country ]

Excerpt from the tube collection of Wolfgang Bauer. These images (tube photos) were uploaded to the respective tubes or valves by Wolfgang Bauer.

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EF95 1953
Mullard Radio Valve Co. Ltd.; GB
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Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
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EFM1 1938
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... NL
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EFM11 1938
Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)... D
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Sator (brand of Tungsram for... H
click to access the tube page
Hoges, Hochohm GmbH, Berlin-... D
click to access the tube page
EH2 1937
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... NL
click to access the tube page
click to access the tube page
EK1 1934
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... NL
click to access the tube page
EK2 1936
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... NL
click to access the tube page
EL1 1934
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
EL2 1936
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
EL3 1936
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... NL
click to access the tube page
EL5 1936
Philips; Eindhoven (tubes in... NL
click to access the tube page
EL11 1938
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
EL12 1938
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
EL12/375 1940
Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)... D
click to access the tube page
EL41 1947
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
click to access the tube page
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
Ersatzschaltung für ELL80E
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EM1 1936
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
EM2 1939
Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)... D
click to access the tube page
EM4 1939
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
EM11 1939
Telefunken Deutschland (TFK)... D
click to access the tube page
EM34 1946
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
click to access the tube page
EM80 1953
Common type Europe tube/semi... EU
Result: 211 to 240 from 605

Tube collector page of valve collector Wolfgang Bauer as «own HP at RMorg»
As a member of Wolfgang Bauer displays items in his/her tube collection. Tubes are called valves in British oriented countries.
Valve and tube collectors as well as radio collectors are invited to join Every member can display separate collections of tubes, radios etc.

Wolfgang Bauer started his/her tube collection (valve collection) here on 27.Oct.2004. [index-en]


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