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ID = 16958
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Eimac (brand name)
Developer: Eimac (brand name) 
Tube type:  Transmitting Triode, air cooled   VHF 
Identical to 100TS = VT-127A = WL-534 = VT-127 = 3-100D2
Predecessor Tubes 100T  

Base SPECIAL TUBEBASE in general (Codex=sp)
Was used by Radar
Filament Vf 5 Volts / If 10.5 Ampere / Direct

Eimac pre-war code for the well known VT-127. It was derived from the 100T, modified to operate as pulsed oscillator at 208 MHz. Two plate pins and two grid pins came out well insulated from the side of a three-inch uranium-glass bulb. A bigger filament was used to increase the emission.

The development started in 1937, with the parallel development of SCR-268 radar. For a while platinum wire was used for the grid, to reduce secondary emission. Sixteen tubes were used in the ring oscillator of the SCR-268 transmitter. Pulses of 75 kW at 208 MHz were generated, with about 120 kW in input.

The Eimac code was changed to 3-100D2 from 1940, with the new number plan.

Information source Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   
-- Original-techn. papers.   Electronics, September 1945
Tube Lore (II)

100ts_sock.png 100TS: Tabu Röhren-Codex, 1948
Anonymous 15 Collector

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