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ID = 43258
Soviet Union
Brand: Common type USSR (SU) tube/semicond.
Tube type:  Vacuum Pentode 
Identical to 1Ж29Б-Р

Base Wires Top contact with a cap.
Filament Vf 1.2 Volts / If 0.06 Ampere / Direct / Battery =
Dimensions (WHD)
incl. pins / tip
9 x 40 x mm / 0.35 x 1.57 x inch
Weight 5 g / 0.18 oz
Tube prices 2 Tube prices (visible for members only)

ru_1j29r_base.png 1Ж29Б-Р: mw based on Factory leaflet
Michael Watterson

1Ж29Б-Р: mw based on Factory leaflet
Michael Watterson

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1j29b-r (1j29b-r)
Michael Watterson

Durable (v) and Extra Durable (r) vs regular 1j29b

The main differences visible with "normal" 1j29b is that all the wires on outer edge with one gap on the 1j29b-r with a plastic spacer (stops wire getting bent too close to envelope) and the 1j29b has the g1 in the middle of base with two groups of three wires on the base and no plastic.  Otherwise there seems little difference in published characteristics.

Price on eBay for 1j29b, 1j29b-r and 1j29b-v are all similar at about 0.60 €, but buying ten the postage brings the price each to about 1.20 € which is still very cheap. Ukrainian sellers seem to be original sources of high volume New Old Stock (NOS). Production appears to have ceased as late as 1991. All parts have a date code.


Note that "normal" life measurement of say a CFL you buy for house may be 5,000 hours but this is an average, the time for half to fail in normal use. Turning on/off a lot shortens life.

The 500 hours quoted on Russian data sheets is at maximum filament and Cathode current  and for only 5% failure, not 50%! So "real life" operation with nominal 1.3V filament and reasonable bias setting is many thousands of hours, likely exceeding life of similar power rating DL96.


These 1j29-r can be used to replace 1j29b-v and 1j29. But also likely if NOS of DL91, DL92, DL96 are exhusted they could be fitted on a B7G plug for domestic valve battery portable. The part is characterised at 30MHz and 60MHz, with some literature suggesting possible operation over 100MHz.

Michael Watterson

Also known as 1ZH29b-r, 1sh29b-r and properly 1Ж29Б-Р

There is also 1j29b (1Ж29Б) and 1j29-v (1Ж29Б-В)

Useful information on these kinds of sub-miniature Rod Pentode tubes (valves):

Russian Subminiature Tubes

The 1j29b (all versions) is  still (2011) readily available to purchase as New Old Stock (NOS).

Nützliche Informationen über diese Art von Sub-Miniatur-Rod Pentode Röhren:

Russian Subminiature Tubes

Die 1j29b (alle Versionen) ist immer noch (2011) leicht zugänglich zu kaufen (2011) leicht zugänglich wie Neu Alte Aktien Kauf (NOS)

Michael Watterson

1j29b-r 1Ж29Б-Р

Cross-section showing diagrammatically twin filaments feed on the top

Glass (shown grey) about 8mm diameter.

End of forum contributions about this tube

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