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ID = 43304
Soviet Union
Brand: Common type USSR (SU) tube/semicond.
Tube type:  Vacuum Pentode   Power/Output 
Identical to 1П24Б-В
Similar Tubes
Other class quality (otherwise equal):

Base Wires
Was used by Military and/or Government
Filament Vf 1.2 Volts / If 0.25 Ampere / Direct / Battery =
Description High reliability tube. 
Weight 6 g / 0.21 oz
Tube prices 2 Tube prices (visible for members only)

1П24Б-В: extract from 1962 Russian article in "Radio"
Michael Watterson

ru_1p24bv_base.png 1П24Б-В: own drawing from various sources
Michael Watterson

1П24Б-В: Berg
Michael Watterson

Usage in Models 1= 1984?? ; 1= 1985

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):2

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Forum contributions about this tube
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Hits: 3336     Replies: 0
1p24b-v (1p24b-v)
Michael Watterson

See also 1p24b 1П24Б 

Useful information on these kinds of sub-miniature Rod Pentode tubes (valves):

Russian Subminiature Tubes

The 1p24b-v (1П24Б-В) is still (2011) readily available to purchase as New Old Stock (NOS).

Nützliche Informationen über diese Art von Sub-Miniatur-Rod Pentode Röhren:

Russian Subminiature Tubes

Die 1p24b-v (1П24Б-В) ist immer noch (2011) leicht zugänglich zu kaufen (2011) leicht zugänglich wie Neu Alte Aktien Kauf (NOS)

It's not clear if the 1p24b-r (1П24Б-Р) actually exists. Please contact RMorg if you see one.


Hits: 5467     Replies: 1
1p24b-v (1p24b-v) also 1p24b
Michael Watterson

This valve (tube) while only slightly bigger than the other 1.2V Russian Rod Pentodes (10mm dia rather than 8mm and also only slightly longer) is about 2.5W in Class A or possibly nearly 20W for a pair in class AB push pull. It's designed for RF P.A. output, at least up to 60MHz.

While the 1j29b is roughtly a miniature replacement for DL91 or DL96 in function, but able to work for RF, the 1p24b (or 1p24b-v) is more similar in power to an EL42 or EL85 but designed for RF. The extended data shows Triode connected curves (maybe 3W Class A) as well as Pentode curves.

My own Triode mode measurements
1p24b Triode mode

G1 is connected to f+, f- and then -5 below f- (i.e. regard f- as OV)

There is also specified a shorter lifetime 800W rating (no mistake!) for pulse operation and also driving grid to +5V. Did the Russians make a miniature Shortwave (HF ) or low band VHF Radar with it?

These are cheap (under 1.50 € / $2.00) including postage on Ebay in small to big quantities. Perhaps an interesting Audio amp?

For the 2W+ of course it doesn't use the regular 90V battery HT but between 140V to 200V depending on power and lifetime.   The G2 Screen Grid is rated at 1W.

The 1p24b-v purchased have an unusual "ribbed" glass envelope. The ribs are depressions rather than raised.


1П24Б-В  (=1p24b-v) Longer life more endurance than standard (This is common on Ebay)

1П24Б-Р  (=1p24b-r) Longer life more endurance than standard



Like the 1j29, the 1p24b has a centre tapped filament for 1.2V or 2.4V operation. Like all the Russian Rod Pentodes the filaments seem optimised for NiCd rather than Zinc Carbon of the European D or USA "1" series. A small series resistor dropping 200mV when using Alkaline Cell seems reasonable.

The typical filament current at 1.3V is 110mA series or 220mA parallel for the 1p24b-v. Not nice compared to an DL96 (25mA series 50mA parallel) or 1j29b (30mA series 60mA parallel) or even DL91 (50mA series 100mA parallel). But a better comparison is with heater power of EL42 or EL85 (1.2W vs 0.145W!)

Fifth element on Russian Tubes (valves) post 1950

The 5th element is optional. It consists of a dash ("-") followed by a single character or a combination of characters, and denotes special characteristics (if any) of the tube:

  • V (Russian: В) - increased reliability and mechanical ruggedness (such as low susceptibilty to noise and microphonics).
  • R (Russian: Р) - even better than V

  • Ye (Russian: Е) - extended service life.

  • D (Russian: Д) - exceptionally long service life.

  • I (Russian: И) - optimised for "pulsed" (i.e. switching) mode of operation.


See the Article on Russian Subminiature Tubes.



Michael Watterson

Construction 1p24b-v
1p24b-v 1П24Б-В

Cross-section with diagrammatic view of two "f-" filament feeds at top.

Glass (shown grey) is aproximately 10mm diameter and has 4 dimples.

End of forum contributions about this tube

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