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ID = 31692
United States of America (USA)
USA - Tubes designated in the USA
USA - Tubes designated in the USA Aerodyn Company; New York City (NY) Airtron, H. & H. Radio Co.; Newark, NJ Alltron (tube brand), Allan Manufacturing Co.; Arlington and Harrison, NJ Amertron = Tube brand Amplitron = Tube brand Apex, Radio Tube Corporation; Newark, NJ Arion, Electric Sales Company; Newark, NJ Atlantic Electric Lamp Company; Danvers, MA Audiotron, (tube brand) Bear Radio Products Corp.; New Jersey Belltone = Tube brand Birk-Morton Vacuum Products Co. Inc. (B-M); Owensboro (KY) Blue Streak (tubes) - see also Curtis Leger Co.; Chicago, IL Buck (tube brand) CeCo (tubes), C.E. Mfg. Co. Inc.; Providence, RI Clearatone (tubes), Radio Tube Laboratory; New York City, NY Comet (tube brand) Diamond Electric (Specialties) Corp.; Newark, NJ and Chicago, IL D-Lux Blue (tube brand) Dollar Tube Co.; Newark, NJ Duraco (tubes), Duratron Products Corp.; Union City, NJ Dynotron Manufacturing Co; New York City, NY Echotron (tubes); (where ?) Electron Mfg. Co.; Berkeley, CA Elektron (tubes), Lectrodio Corp.; Lynn, MA Eurekatron (tubes), Imperial Merchandise Co.; Perry, OH Everest Manufacturing Co.; Central Falls, RI Fearnola (tubes) Fields, Henry; Shenandoah, IA GEM Tube Co.; New York City, NY Globe Electric Co. (Kleer-Tone); Newark, NJ Gold-Tone Radio Company; New York City, NY Grandtone, F. & W. Grand (5-10-15 cent stores); (where?) Hercules, Lincoln Radio Tube Co.; New York, NY Hyvac; Newark Keystone Electric & Radio Co.; New York, NY Kwik-lite (Kwiklite), Usona Manufacturing Co.; Toledo, OH Leader, The Tube Company; Springfield, MA Live-Tone (tube brand), Royal Electric Co.; Boston, MA Loudspeaker (tube brand), James H. Konkle; Newark, NJ Mastertone Radio Co.; Newark, NJ Milo (tube brand) Monotron, Paxton & Gallagher Co.; Omaha, NE Murdon Appliance Co.; New York City, NY Myers, E.B. Ltd.; Cleveland (Myers4) Novotron, Radio Electric Laboratories; New York City, NY Nutone (tubes); (Where ?) NU-TRO, C. A. W. Laboratories; Philadelphia, PA Nutron Manufacturing Co.; Passaic, N.J. Pingree Radio Sevice Co., Inc.; Boston, MA Radiodyne (Tube brand) RadiOtune; (Where ?) Reflex, Denning Radio Manufacturers; Newark, NJ Regal Products Corp. (Regaltone, Regal-Tone); Philadelphia, PA Ritetone; (Where ?) Rolls Royce Tube Co.; Newark, NJ Royalfone, Royal Electrical Laboratories; Newark, NJ Ry-Tone; (Where ?) Silvertron, New York Radio Co; New York, NY Songbird (brand) Speed, Cable Radio Tube Corp. / Cable Supply Co.; New York and Brooklyn, NY Star Radio Tube Co.; Chicago, IL Star (tube brand) - made in Holland Sturdy Engineering Corp.; Chicago, IL Supertron Manufacturing Co. Inc.; Hoboken, NJ Testeed Products Co.; Cleveland, OH Thoria Tube Co.; Middletown, OH Trio-Tron, Audio Supply Co.; Farrell, PA Ureco, United Radio and Electric Co.; Newark (NJ) and Brooklyn (NY) Voltron (tubes), O. Herschkowitz; Newark, NY Volutron (tube brand) Yankee Tube Corp.; Newark, NJ Zenith (tubes), Duratron Radio Tube Corp.; New Jersey
Developer: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY 
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum   Universal 
Identical to 201A_UV-base = C_Radex = P.V.F.301-A = UV201A

Base UV-Base (4 Pins+Bayonet, USA 1914 WE)
Was used by Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filament Vf 5 Volts / If 0.25 Ampere / Direct / Battery =

Some manufacturers and distributors used the term 201A for tubes having UV base, e.g. ARION or MOZART and probably the same Cunningham with the mark 'Audiotron'. Height of tipless tubes 108 mm. Weight may also vary, depending wether base is brass or bakelite..
Later 201A was understood as a general name for the UX201A, even shorter '01A'.

Dimensions (WHD)
incl. pins / tip
x 111 x 45 mm / x 4.37 x 1.77 inch
Weight 57 g / 2.01 oz
Tube prices 1 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Information source Tube Lore (II)   p. 25
Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   pp.351 through 365
-- Collector info (Sammler)

uvsockel_5~~5.png 201A_UV-base: KoBi
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Just Qvigstad
201A_UV-base: KoBi
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Collection of




This tube was made by N V Philips in Holland about 1924-25, in an attempt to sell tubes to the US. GE/RCA filed four patent infringement suits against Philips. Both companies realised that years of litigation might follow and agreed to a compromise: GE/RCA and Philips would share patent rights and Philips would stay out of GE territory.

DYNETRON and DYN-A-BLUE were brands of Magnite Labs, P.O. Box 472, Newark. Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne, p.354

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