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ID = 55653
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY)
Developer: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY) 
Tube type:  Triode, vacuum   Power/Output 
  <1925 very rare. ***
Identical to 201B_Western = D_Western
Similar Tubes
Other base:

Base SPECIAL TUBEBASE in general
Was used by Telephony
Filament Vf 2.8 Volts / If 1.3 Ampere / Direct / Battery =

Originally called the "D" when under development by Western Electric engineers. Variant of the WE 201A on 4-pin base. S-19 tennis-ball bulb. Originally made with solid gold pin ends soldered on.

Gain 37 to 44, 2.6 to 3 volts filament.
Unrelated to UX-201A

Tube prices 2 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Information source Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   p. 101, 103 & 280
Tube Lore (II)   p. 234
Tube Lore (I)

uv_triode_tube~~124.png 201B_Western: Fin Stewart
Fin Stewart

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