
Información - Ayuda 
ID = 28953
Gran Bretaña (GB)
Marca: Cossor, A.C.; London
Diseñador: Cossor, A.C.; London 
Tipo:  Triode, vacuum   RF/IF-Stage 
Idéntica a 210HL_Cossor
Válvulas similares
Substituya normalmente -diferencia peq.:
  210HL ; A225 ; K30C ; PM1HL
Primera serie 1926 Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne page 376
Fuente principal (es)
Aug.1930 : Philips Bulletin R1164, p. 17

Base Europe 4-Pin B4 (Eu A, E, 4A) 1914
Usada en Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filamento Vf 2 Volt / If 0.1 Ampere / Direct

Late in 1926 Cossor introduced their new Kalenised filament. Exactly what the Kalenising process was they did not state, making only the modest claim that it "gives off a torrent of electrons partically without heat". This filament was used in the Cossor Point One, 210D and 210H valves, and also in a power valve denoted only as the Stentor Two, to which the number 215P was later assigned.

Literatura Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne   page 376
History of the British Radio Valve to 1940
- - Manufacturers Literature

210hl_cossor_so.png 210HL_Cossor: rtt
Anónimo 10 Coleccionista

Just Qvigstad
Uso en Modelos 1= 1937?

Número de modelos en con esta válvula:1

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