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ID = 35211
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Western Electric Company Inc.; New York (NY)
Tube type:  CRT (cathode ray tube, picture tube) 
Identical to 224A_CRT
Successor Tubes D-94341  

Base UX-Base (4 Pins (2 thick, USA 1924, UX)
Filament Vf 2 Volts / If 1 Ampere

Clear-glass bulb, 5" CRT. Anode brought out on shell; one X ond one Y plate connected together. Argon-filling gas allows focusing changing heater voltage; platinum ribbon filament. CaWO4/ZnSiO3 screen coating. Electrostatic or magnetic deflection. 100 hrs guaranted life. Also made with B and C suffix, for successive versions, same screen phosphor.

Information source Tube Lore (I)   

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