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ID = 2963
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Common type USA tube/semicond.
Tube type:  Beam Power Tube 
Identical to 25L6G = 25П1С
Similar Tubes
Other shape (e.g. bulb type):
  25L6 ; 25L6GT
Normally replaceable-slightly different:
Other class quality (otherwise equal):
Heater different:
First year 30.Mar.1937 Electron Tube Registration List see also Wikipedia 25L6
First Source (s)
04.Nov.1936 : Tube Lore (I) Introduction of 25L6 metal type
Predecessor Tubes 25A6   43   25A6G  
Successor Tubes 50L6GT   25L6GT/G  

Base Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 (Codex=Udb)
Filament Vf 25 Volts / If 0.3 Ampere / Indirect / Specified current AC/DC ~ = (Series working)

The octal-based (EIA base 7AC) beam power tetrode 25L6 was mainly used for the "All American Five" type radios, in short "AA5" sets abut also in a number of early computers, like the UNIVAC I (1952) from Remington Rand (later called Sperry Rand and then Unisys). The UNIVAC I used about 5200 vacuum tubes. The tube type 6046 is the industrial type of the 25L6GT, used as a relay driver or to run selenoids in key punch machines.

The 25L6 was introduced as a metal tube November 4, 1936, but most examples of this family were glass types 25L6G or 25L6GT. The ST14 glass tube 25L6G started March 30, 1937. The T9 size GT version arrived the market April 11, 1938. There was also a 25L6G in the smaller ST-12 glass envelope.

The 25L6 is identical in design and ratings with the 50L6 except haveng a 25 volt 300 mA heater instead of a 50 volt 150 mA heater. The 12L6 and an identical 12W6 were made with a 12.6 volts, 600 mA heater, and the 6W6 was made with a 6.3V, 1200 mA heater. A bit different (slightly lower-powered) is the otherwise similar 35L6, but the 6L6 with the same basing diagram is not of this family and has more than twice the power capability of the family.

Tube prices 3 Tube prices (visible for members only)
Information source Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   

25L6G: U.G.
Urs Gloor

oc33_g_29~~1.gif 25L6G: RTT Schwandt
Günther Stabe † 19.8.20

More ...

Just Qvigstad
25L6G: Raytheon Databook 1937
Emilio Ciardiello

More ...
Usage in Models 15= 1937?? ; 21= 1937? ; 75= 1937 ; 68= 1938?? ; 20= 1938? ; 265= 1938 ; 41= 1939?? ; 51= 1939? ; 154= 1939 ; 25= 1940?? ; 26= 1940? ; 37= 1940 ; 11= 1941?? ; 4= 1941? ; 11= 1941 ; 7= 1942?? ; 13= 1942? ; 4= 1942 ; 1= 1943?? ; 1= 1943 ; 2= 1944? ; 2= 1944 ; 5= 1945?? ; 7= 1945? ; 11= 1945 ; 2= 1946?? ; 4= 1946? ; 11= 1946 ; 7= 1947?? ; 3= 1947? ; 7= 1947 ; 1= 1948?? ; 1= 1948? ; 3= 1948 ; 3= 1949? ; 4= 1949 ; 12= 1950?? ; 2= 1950? ; 2= 1951?? ; 4= 1951? ; 1= 1956

Quantity of Models at with this tube (valve, valves, valvola, valvole, válvula, lampe):944

Collection of




25L6G as true penthode with wire-grid 3 and round cathode

25L6G with tubular (straight) bulb, which is taller as the GT version

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