Informazioni - Aiuto 
ID = 21292
USA (Stati Uniti d'America)
Produttore: Speed, Cable Radio Tube Corp. / Cable Supply Co.; New York and Brooklyn, NY
Progettista: Speed, Cable Radio Tube Corp. / Cable Supply Co.; New York and Brooklyn, NY 
Tipo:  MULTIFUNZIONE, con collegamenti interni   Power/Output 
Identico a 293
Valvole simili
Heater different:
  291 ; 295
Altra base:
Other base and other heater:
  291_6pin ; 295_6pin
Evoluzioni 6B5  

Zoccolo UY-Base, 5 Pins (USA, April 1927) Top contact with a cap.
Utilizzata per Radio/TV-reception etc.
Filamento Vf 6.3 Volt / If 0.6 Ampere / Indirect

There is also a 6pin version in literature. But the basing diagrams for that version are somehow erroneous in different ways. Only the 5pin data in Babani appear conclusive and convincing. And the picture seen at the 295 shows a 5pin tube as well.

Testo in altre lingue (può variare)
Bibliografia Babani, International Radio Tube Encyclopaedia   p. 32 & 33
Tube Lore (II)   p. 35
Universal Vade-Mecum, Electron Valves and Semiconductor Devices

293_5pin_sock.png 293: Babani
Anonimo 15 Collezionista

Just Qvigstad
293: Grundig Rö-Tabu, zum M1, Band 3, 1948
Anonimo 15 Collezionista

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