UV-Base (4 Pins+Bayonet, USA 1914 WE)
Connexion au sommet par 2 tétons.
Utilisé par
Radio/TV-reception etc.
Vf 1 Volt / If 4 Ampère / Indirect / Specified voltage AC/DC
The McCullough type 400 was made in two types. 1) A400, which was for detector and amplifier use and 2) for RF use. Neither the tubes or boxes located show this difference and it remains a mystery why this is so.
Dimensions (l x h x p) incl.pins/tip
x 130 x 46 mm / x 5.12 x 1.81 inch
41 g / 1.45 oz
- - Manufacturers Literature
Tube Lore (II) p. 33
-- Collector info (Sammler)
400_McCullough-4volt: own collection
Peter den Boer
Just Qvigstad
400_McCullough-4volt: tube box insert
Alan Scott Douglas † 16.11.15
Plus d'infos ...