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40600; 40601; 40602 dual gate FET's
Jacob Roschy
26.Feb.09 |
RCA 40600 40601 40602
SILICON DUAL INSULATED-GATE FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS N-channel depletion types for VHF TV receiver applications
performance FEATURES
DEVICE FEATURES extremely low feedback capacitance Crss = 0.02 pF typ. • high power gain MUGU= 20 dB typ. for 40600 MAG = 35 dB typ. for 40602 MAGC= 14 dB typ. for 40601
RCA 40600, 40601, and 40602* are n-channel depletion type, dual-insulated-gate, field-effect transistors utilising the MOS construction. These devices have characteristics which make them highly desirable for RF-amplifier applications (40600), mixer applications (40601) and first-IF-amplifier applications (40602) in VHF TV receivers and other types of commercial equipment operating at frequencies up to approximately 250 MHz. These transistors feature a series arrangement of two separate channels, each channel having an independent control gate. In amplifier applications the 40600 and 40602 with their wide dynamic range provide substantially better cross modulation performance than is obtainable with bipolar or single-gate field-effect transistors. In mixer applications the 40601 provides excellent isolation between the oscillator and RF signals because each of the two signal frequencies being mixed has its own control element. The wide dynamic range of the 40601 minimizes cross-modulation which is generally encountered in mixer stages. Provision of two insulated gates also results in extremely low feedback capacitances (0.02 pF typ.), a feature which enables the 40600 and 40602 to provide high maximum usable power gains in unneutralized circuits - for example, 20 dB at 200 MHz typ. for the 40600, and 35 dB typ. at 44 MHz for the 40602. The gain of the RF and IF stages can be controlled by applying AGC voltage to gate No. 2 and AGC delay is easily obtained. Virtually no AGC power is required for full gain reduction. Types 40600, 40601, and 40602 are hermetically sealed in metal JEDEC TO-72 packages. * Formerly dev. types TA7149, TA7262, TA7189, respectively.
Maximum Ratings, Absolute Maximum Values at TA =25°C : DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE, VDS ...0 to +20 V GATE NO-1-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE VG1S: Continuous (dc) ............ + 1 to -8 V Peak AC .........................+20 to -8 V
Continuous (DC)................-8 to 40% of VDS V Peak AC ........................... -8 to +20 V
DRAIN-TO-GATE VOLTAGE, VDG1 or VDG2:...+20 V DRAIN CURRENT, ID (Pulsed,): Pulse duration ≤ 20 ms, duty factor ≤ 0.15 ................ 50 mA
TRANSISTOR DISSIPATION PT : At ambient temperature up to 25°C :............400 mW above 25°C : .....................derate linearly at 2.67 mW/°C
AMBIENT TEMPRATURE RANGE : Storage and operating ............. -65 to +175 °C LEAD TEMPERATURE (During soldering): At distances > 1/32 " from at sealing surface for 10 seconds, max. 265 °C |
Franz Harder
26.Apr.09 |
Above series of RCA Dual-Gate-MOSFETs has been amended by the types Later on, MOSFETS were protected by a flat clamp that could be left connected to the device until soldered to the circuitry
F.H. |
Emilio Ciardiello
26.Apr.09 |
Dual gate MOSFETs were also produced by General Instruments, as the one at right in the picture above. Until the early seventies, volume productions of unprotected types were also ran in their Italian plant of Giugliano, near Naples. They were supplied with pins shorted by metal springs. Emilio Ciardiello |
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