
Information - Aide 
ID = 49414
Type:  Transistor 
Identique à YET_425B

Culot Wires
Description Material/Aufbau/Pol.: Germanium Legierung PNP;
Form/Case: TO-1;
Daten/ I F: __ mA; U S: __ V; Isp: __ µA; ß (beta): __; N: __ mW; Imax(Ic): __ mA; Umax(Uce): -__ V; f g(FT): __ MHz; tmax j: __ °C.
(unknown type - no data available yet) wird geklärt...: The only additional information on the transistors themselves are "YET 425B JAPAN". The markings are on a yellow or blue plastic sleeve over the metal can of the transistor. - 
(l x h x p)
6 x 10 x mm / 0.24 x 0.39 x inch
Poids 1 g / 0.04 oz
Bibliographie -- Collector info (Sammler)   

to1_ttt_309.gif YET_425B: TTT Steidle 1981
Günther Stabe † 19.8.20

Utilisé dans modèles 1= 1964?

Modèles de avec ce composant :1

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