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ID = 23825
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Common type USA tube/semicond.
Developer: Triad Television & Mfg. Co.; Pawtucket, RI 
Tube type:  Non-linear components 
Identical to 50A2MG
First Source (s)
08.Jul.1935 : Electron Tube Registration List 34

Base Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935
Description used in 110V AC-DC Sets.
Intended for 115V AC/DC sets with a suggested tube lineup as 25Z5MG, 43MG, 6K7, 6J7, plus tap for two #40 pilot lights in series. 
Text in other languages (may differ)
Information source Ballast Tube Handbook, The   

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