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ID = 35564
United States of America (USA)
Brand: Raytheon Mfg. Co.; Cambridge, MA
Tube type:  Reflex Klystron   SHF/EHF (>3 GHz) 
Identical to 5976
First year 07.Sep.1950 Electron Tube Registration List

Filament Vf 6.3 Volts / If 0.44 Ampere / Indirect

Reflex klystron 723A/B format; quasi-octal base with coaxial output probe through pin 4; reflector to top cap. 6200 to 7425 MHz mechanical tuning range;

Minimum output power 85 mW, 110mW typical.

Used in microwave TV relay systems.

Also Marked RK5976 by Raytheon.

Information source - - Manufacturers Literature   
Tube Lore (I)   

5979_pin.png 5976: Raytheon datasheet
Antonio Rabitti

5976: Raytheon datasheet
Antonio Rabitti

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